Your Obedient Servant~Vikklan

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Ship~ Vikklan Duh
Type~ fluff/ maybe pt2 smut
Words~ 2270 ( I'm sorry it's long)
Prompt~ the song, but not the words just the concept. Also Lachlan is a king of sorts I suppose, and Vik is his servant.
Song~ Your Obedient Servant :Hamilton
Btw if you haven't seen/heard Hamilton it is the best creation of art I've ever experienced so please listen to it!

Viks pov
I just had to born into this dumb ass family didn't I. I couldn't have been born anywhere else, no here out of all places. My mother was the kings servant, and now I'm the princes or soon to be Kings servant. It is soon to be his 18th birthday day, and now I'm setting things up for a party. It's not like I'm treated badly or anything, honestly I really like Lachlan ,my master, but his other family member are very mean to him. They don't want him to be himself, they want him to be a proper rich kid with a I'm a dick kinda attitude. The thing is all Lachlan wants to do it play video games, and he lets me play sometimes too, but he doesn't like when I win, so I let him win. I think he has feeling for me I mean he is very nice to me, and the small things he does just makes it seem that way. Oh and also he's tried to kiss me like 100 times, at least it feels that way, but he's not yet to get one on the lips. He's very sneaky about it, and he knows I'm gay. I sometimes think he dose it to be mean or play with my emotions, and other times I think he likes me, but can't due to his father. Anyways enough backstory, Lachlan's 18th birthday is tonight, and he's having a super big party, or his parents are throwing him a party when he wants his friends to come over and play video games. I kinda wish Lachlan would speak for himself, but his father is really mean. He even hits me sometimes. "Vikkram!" Yells Lachlan's Father from the hall. I stand up off the floor and straighten out my skirt ( did I mention they make us wear maid outfits, don't get me wrong I look smoken in that thing) I walk out to him. "Yes sir, what can I do for you." I ask. "Has Lachlan said anything about his party, he seems not happy with it."
"Um no sir, Lachlan has said nothing to me about it. He hopes to invite his friends." I say not wanting to lie, but no tell his dad up front. "Who are his friends." He asked. "I don't know sir." I reply. He sends a slap across my face. "Don't lie to me, what are their names?" He asked again. "As I said before sir, I don't know." I say holding my cheek. He slaps me again harder, knocking me over. "Don't back sass me." He says standing over me. "Hey Vikk can you help me, whoa what the hell dad?" Asked Lachlan walking in the room. "He gets what he deserves." He says. "What did he do." Lachlan asked. "He gave me sass, so I put him on his ass." He says. "Oh my gosh, dad you've got a servant to hit, so don't hit mine. I don't hit him." Says Lachlan, and he's right he's never laid a finger on me, only his lips. "That's where your wrong, he needs to be disciplined, and if you won't do it I will. Stand up." His father says pointing at me. I do as I told and stand, but only to be hit once again. "Vikk let's go." Says Lachlan grabbing my arm and pulling me In to the hall and up towards his room. "I'm so sorry that he hit you Vikk, are you okay?" He asked as we sat on his bed. He places his hand on my cheek. "I'm fine sir, what did you want help with?" I asked trying to look anywhere other then his eyes. "Oh, never mind that. Are you sure you're okay? And please don't call me sir Vik, we've been over this. Call me Lachlan, and I swear I'll never hit you." He says, placing his other hand on my knee. "I know you'd never hurt me Lachlan. Please allow me to go finish what I was doing, your party starts in an hour, you need to be getting ready." I say placing my hand on his. He shakes his head yes, and I stand up, but he grabs my hand spinning me around as our lips meet. I was taken back, but enjoyed it. Lachlan was a very good kisser, and did I mention hot AF. I pulled away for breath. "Sorry." He says. "No, I liked it." I say. "Go finish up downstairs and when the guys get here send them up." He says. "Yes sir, err Lachlan." I say leaving his room. "Oh and Vik, you look great today." He says going back into his room. I feel my cheeks get hot as there is probably the biggest blush on my face. I go backdown stairs and start working on dinner when the doorbell rings. I open the door to Rob, Preston, Simon, Josh, Jide, Mitch, Jerome, Tobi, Ethan, and Harry. "Hi guys, Lachlan said to send you to his room. You know where it's at." I say opening the door all the way up. "Thanks Vikk" says Rob. Rob was always really nice, at least he took time to find out my name.

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