The Table- Everyone

193 4 2

Ship- All the regs
Words- 718
Type- fluff
Prompt- none
Simons POV
"I just don't understand why we have to have it here. We don't even have furniture in the house yet" says josh sitting on the floor trying to put together an IKEA table for the living room. "Come on Joshy it's like christening the new house! Having all the boys over, just hanging out. It's gonna be great." I say. "There are other ways to christen a house." He says standing up and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I turn around and give him a kiss, our lips just moving together perfectly. His face in my hands. His hands holding my waist. Everything was perfect. Notice I say was. "You two are gross" says Lachlan walking into the house with Vikk. They were carrying Costco bags full of chips and snacks. "Yah ha, whatever. Glad your here, help me build this stupid thing."Josh said going back to the table. Lachlan hands his bags to Vikk and joins him. Vikk and I go to the kitchen. "The house is beautiful Si. I know how important it was for you two!" Says Vikk as we start unpacking the bags. "Thanks, it turned out truly perfect didn't it." I say looking around at the perfect kitchen. "I'm excited for the others to see it." I say. "I'm surprised you even had it here. With the twelve of us, we can make a right mess." Vikk says. "Worth the risk I guess." I say. We both chuckle and go back to the living room. "I just don't get it. There is no piece that looks like that one." Says Jerome holding the table instructions. "Yah because it's already attached over here." Says Mitch pointing at a part of the table. "Are you kidding me. Lachlan you said that's where it went." Says Josh. "Yah cause I thought that was where it went." Says Lachlan. "Is it really taking four of you to put together a table." Vikk asked. "Yes it is. Vikk your the smartest. Come look at these instructions." Says Mitch. He goes and grabs them, and he too has a very confused look on his face. "I,umm, what is this. These are not instructions. Look at these Si." He says handing them to me. They were literally just symbols and very blurry pictures. "I mean I don't know what to tell yah. I just need my freaking table built." I say handing them back to Mitch. "I don't smell food cooking yet. Why not?" Says Preston waking in the house with Rob behind him. "Is that all you do is eat?" Asked Lachlan. "Maybe why? What are we doing?" He says coming in the living room. "Trying to put a table together." Says Jerome. "It sounds worse saying it out loud." Says Josh. "Really? It's just a table. Have we not all build very elaborate computer desks and stuff. And a table is what is stumping us." Says Rob. "Be my gust Rob. Come build this freaking table." Says Mitch giving him the instructions. Both him and Preston have the same stumped look as we did. "Yah never mind..." says Rob giving them back. We all started trying to help. We took all the prices apart and tried to "decode" the instructions, eventually JJ, Tobi, Bhez, and Harry showed up. After about an hour of just fitting random prices together and trial and error we had a table. "Thank god! Now we can actually start game night." I say. We all get up and go to the kitchen. We eat and just mess around for a while. "Alright are we ready kids?" I say as we all go back to the living room. "Let's start with Jenga!" Says JJ. I grab the game. The table turned out good. We did it with out the stupid instructions and I'm so proud of us all for actually doing it. "Oh wait our toast!" Said Preston. We all grab a shot and come back to the table." To Simon and Josh's new house, and this stupid fucking table." Says Vikk. "Here here" we all say and take our drinks. Lachlan places his empty glass on the table. It immediately falls into a million pieces...

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