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Ships~Vikklan,Poofless,Merome,nochzahut, minizerk
Type~ high school AU, fluff/getting together

Vik's pov
"Vik, come on if you want a ride get your ass down here." I here my brother Luke tell up the stairs. He's a senior and I'm only a sophomore "Jeez I'm coming, I've never seen you excited for school." I respond slinging my backpack on my shoulder and walking out the door. "Bro, and your not excited for school. We just got transferred to a school in Malibu. Think about all the hot babes." He says. I think I see the drool already forming. "Dude, we've went over this. I'm not into girls god." I say rolling my eyes and looking out the window. "Then we'll find you a nice built guy then." He says kinda punching my shoulder. "Just drive so we're not late on the first day. Mom sent us here to get an education not get laid." I say. We drive about five minutes and pull into the parking lot of a huge school. It's right on the beach and ocean, and I did mention it's like bigger then my future right? I grab my stuff and walk towards the entrance, just looking around I can tell this place is gonna be great. I walk into the school and walk to the front desk. "How may I help you?" Asked a woman. "Um my name is Vikkram Barnes, I just transferred from England." I say the woman. "Oh great, we actually started the transfer program this year so we have a few children from Australia,Canada, and more then just you from England. If you can just stay here for a few moments, as we wait for the others. Our number one student is going to be showing you all around his name is..."

Lachlan's pov
"Lachlan come on." I here my mom yell down the hall. "Coming, coming hold your horses." I say grabbing my stuff and following her out the door. "Now I know this is rough moving to a new school but this program is really good and is not very expensive due to being an exchange student. Now just go into this sophomore year with your head held high." She says. "I will mom, I'll see you later." I say hopping out of her car and walking towards he school building. This place kinda reminds me of my house, we used to live right on the beach. I walk into the school, more like duck then walk so I don't bang my head, did I mention I'm 6'5. I walk into the office and there is already a boy sitting in there. He was very tiny, most likely an eighth grader. "How can I help you." Asked the woman at the front desk. "My name is Lachlan Power, I'm here from Australia for the exchange thing." I say. "Oh great, this is Vikkram ,he is from England. We're waiting on a few other exchange students so please take a seat." She says. I take a seat next to him. "So what grade are you in?" I asked now just curious. "I'm a sophomore, what about you?" He says in a very thick English accent. "Same, so vikkram was it?" I questioned. "Um yah I prefer Vik though, you are?" He asked. "Oh yah sorry I'm Lachlan, came here from Aussie." I say. "No I thought you were from Canada, your accent kinda gives it away." He says with a smile. This boy is adorable. I was about to say something when another guy looking kinda stressed came in. "I'm not late am I?" He questioned. "No, how can I help you" she asked "my name is..."
Robs pov
"Flight 672 will be landing in California in about 15 minutes so please put all devices away and prepare to land." Says a voice from over the intercom from the plane. I'm coming from Canada, not just near New York Canada. No, more like the other side of Canada. My parents sent me here so I could start school with everyone else, I'm part of some exchange thing. My parents are flying in tonight. I'm just so stressed out. It's 2 in the morning and I've got my first day of a new school in a few hours. We land and I take a uber to the hotel my mom ordered me for tonight. I just throw all my stuff in the room and go right to sleep, I've got to be up in four hours to start my first day of Senior year.
Went my alarm. I quickly shut it up and get in the shower I though on some decent clothes and grab my back pack from my suitcase I called an uber that took a million years, probably making me late. I have them drop me off at the school as I walk into the office in kinda a frantic state. "I'm not late am I?" I asked. "No, how can I help you." Asked the woman at the front desk. "My name is Robert Latskey, I'm an exchange student from Canada." I say.  "Oh yes okay this is Vikkram, and Lachlan they are also exchange students. Now Robert you will have a different guide then these too due to being a Senior, so please take a seat" she says. "Um okay." I say taking a seat next to the blonde boy. "You alright mate, seem a bit rushed." He says. "Yah I'm good, just jet lag is killing me. Just got off my plane this morning." I respond. "I know how you feel a 12 hour flight to America isn't fun." Say the other boy. "I've got you both beat 24 hours right here."Say the blonde. "Names Lachlan, you?" He says. "Rob." I say back. "I'm Vik." Say the other boy. "Nice to meet you guys." I say. We kinda just small talk when two boys with brow hair and one with glasses come in.
3rd person pov

"Good morning Mrs. Jackson." Say the one in glasses. "Ah Brandon and Matt, how I have missed you two, is Preston not with you." she asked. "Don't worry Mrs. J I'm right here." Says a boy who had on a black fire hoddie as he walked in the door. "Ok so we're still missing a few but boys this is Matthew, Brandon, and Preston. This is Rob,Lachlan,and Vikkram. Mat you'll be helping out Rob as well as a boy named Joshua Bradley. Brandon you will be helping out Vikkram and Lachlan since your all sophomores, and Preston the three Juniors this year are not here yet, but there names are Simon Minter,Mitchel Hughes ,and Jerome Aceti "Awesome I get more then you guys" says Preston poking the air in the general direction of Mat and Brandon. Vik looks at Lachlan and shrugs he shoulders as they follow Brandon out of the office, and Mat leaves to wait else wear for Josh. Leaving a shy new kid and the class clown in one room.
Part 2?

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