Slave~ Vikklan pt.1

415 10 1

Type~ pre Smut
Words~ 1507
Prompt~ none
Viks pov
Yelling and screaming was what I've come to live by. I've not heard anything except this for about well my whole life. I'm a slave, so it's my usual. It started as my parents didn't want me, so they sold me to another man. He was really nice, but how was I to know what he did to me was wrong, I was only 7. I've been sold and resold about 27 times. No one ever wants to keep me after one night because I always "struggle" or "fight against them" and their right, every new house I come to I do try to escape so I don't blame them for hitting me when I'm bad, I've become one with the pain. So here I lay, dreading today. I'd just been thrown off a train somewhere in underground Australia, it was the first of the month so new masters would be coming in today. They normally would put blindfolds on us so we couldn't see what they were whispering to one another, but I've been here for 21 years I've seen everything so I don't even get tied up anymore. I just sit in the floor and hate my life. I here a bell ring through the whole building that means they are here. So some guards come in and get everyone else ready. "Stand up, you piece of shit." He says kicking at me on the ground. I know I'm not supposed to talk back, but if the new masters see me fight back they won't want me anyways. So I wait. "Did you not here me get your ass up." He says again kicking me harder this time. I look over to see a door opening as some people are walking in. My time to shine. I don't move yet again." I'm not afraid to call the boss it here Vikram. Get up." He says. I roll my eyes and stand up. "Fuck you" I remark back. He pushes me against the wall."don't smart back to me." He says. I turn and all eyes are on me, perfect. "Oh me, I would never, but I would do this." I say bring my knee up and hitting him right in the crotch. I laugh as he falls and I sit back down. Minding my own business. They all gasp and begin a quite whisper I've become very good about my surroundings, so my hearings not that bad, they keep says thing like"he'd be perfect for Lachlan" or "Lachlan would love him." I made a show to not be bought, now everyone wants a price of me. Fuck. "Vikram." I here as the "boss" walks in. He's names Mitch, he's a dick. He walks over to me "we made a deal, I don't tie you up, you don't do anything stupid. And you just have to go and fuck every thing up." He says slapping me. "He was in my personal space, kinda like you are now." I say back in Mitch's face. "That's it you're coming with me." He says grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me towards the group of people. "Yo, Mitch. We think we know someone who can whip this one into shape." Says one of the guys. "Please he's gone through 27 and they always send him back." Says Mitch glaring down at me as I send him a smile back. "Trust us, Lachlan can do it." Says another person. "Oh yah that's right Lachlan is in Australia these days, sure why not." Says Mitch pushing me into the group of people. As well as handing them my papers.I snarl in Mitch's direction and stand up brushing my self off. "So Vikram is it?" Asked one man. "Vik" I say back with some sass. "Well you'll go by what ever Lachlan wants to call you." Says another. "Let's go slave."
Time skip to front of huge home!
"Get out." They say pushing me into the warm Australia air. "So dose mister "whip me in shape" own Google or something." I say motioning towards the huge home in front of me. "He ha funny, no his family has a lot of money." He says pushing me towards the front door. They knock and I here a voice. "Who is it?" "Rob,Preston,Jerome, and a surprise." Says one of them. "Ashlee will be right there boys." I here then a click as a purple haired girl opens the door. "Boys, come on in. Lachlan's been waiting to see you." She says as they push me in the doorway. "He's upstairs Jerome if you want to take this one up there." She says motioning towards me. I roll my eyes as Jerome grabs my wrist pulling me up the stairs. "You know I can walk right." I say with a snarky tone." Shut it." He snaps make sending as lap across my face. I roll my eyes as we reach the end of a huge hallway. "Lachlan,it's Jerome." He says knocking on the door. "Coming" I here, as a very tall male opens the door. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and was like 6'5. Oh my god do I hope he wants me for sex. "Yo what's up Jerome, haven't seen you in forever." Says the God of a human as he embraces the other. "Tell me about it, this is vikkram, Mitch couldn't handle him. So we told him you could." Says Jerome. "Vikkram was it?" Questioned the blonde boy. "It's Vik, thank you very much." I say rolling my eyes. "Hm sass, that can be fixed, thanks Jerome that will be all." Says Lachlan sending him on his way. "Oh here are his papers, and try not to kill this one." Says Jerome with a laugh, clearly trying to scare me, but at this point I would rather die. "Come on it Vik." Says Lachlan opening the door more. I don't say anything and walk in. He closes the door behind us and flips through my papers. "Damn Vik 27 masters, you must be a handful." He says with a smirk. "And you're label says everything. How could no one like you?" He says ruffling up my hair. I fix my hair and walk around picking up stuff I most likely shouldn't, but I don't care, I'm in a house more expensive then life. I'm gonna fucking touch stuff. "Whatcha looking for?" He asks." My freedom, what are you looking for." I snap back." now there's no need to be mean, I just want to make you feel good here." he says wrapping his arms around my body. How'd I know he wanted sex. I huf out a sigh, and turn around placing my hand on his crotch. "Whoa Vik what are you doing, at least let their be a first date God." He says holding my hands. "Sorry,I though that was what you wanted." I say to him. "Oh don't get me wrong it is, but on my terms." He says, sending shivers down my spine. "I'll go get us some food you stay here and don't look through anything while I'm gone, or you will be punished." He says walking out. "Or you'll get punished." I say in a mocking tone under my breath. I stand up and walk over to a dresser. I open the first drawer just socks, boring, next. The next drawer under wear, sexy. I push around in this drawer finding some "Things" I'm pulled out of my trance when I feel arms wrap around me. "What did I say Vikkram?" He says in my ear holding me kinda tight. "I don't know, I didn't listen." I say crossing my arms. "I think you did, but you chose not to listen anyways. Do you want to be punished." He says. I don't say anything back. "Answer me." He says pulling me closer to him. I still didn't reply. "I said answer me Vikram." He says slapping me. "Not anymore." I say pushing out of his grip. "Well Vik to bad cause you're the slave so you don't get a say in what happens, only I do. And if you want to make me happy I suggest listening to me, so I'm gonna ask you again. Am I gonna have to punish you Vik?" He asked. I shake my head, even though I hated to admit it, he was right I did have no say, and he's hot so fuck it. "Punish me." I say gripping up his shirt and getting on my tippy toes to be eye level with him. He places his hands under my ass picking me up and me wrapping my legs around his body. Now my head is resting on his. "What was that Vik?" He asked hitting on my ear. "Punish me." I say into his ear. I can feel my self getting harder. He brings us into a heated make out session.

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