Adam and eve~ vikklan/zerkstar

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Type~ getting together
Ship~ Vikklan/ zerkstar
Song~ run wild: Jon Bellion
Words~ 1300
Prompt~ song above

Vik's pov
I love my boyfriend Josh, he's the sweets guy you could ask for. He is my everything! We've been together for about 8 months now, and I've loved every second. We're going to be together for ever, at least it feels like it. He always does the cutest thing for me, like surprise flower just because. There's literally nothing in this world that could break us apart. Or so I thought.

Holy verses in his kiss
He was your bible
You found nature in his lips
The sex was tribal
He brought purpose to your hips
Your soul's revival
Such a hopeful eve
But Adam let you down

The next weeks with Josh were different, he no longer gave me presents, or complimented me in any way. He changed his attitude towards me, and acted different around our friends. He never says he loves me anymore, and it makes me really sad. I thought our bond was inseparable. I was wrong I guess.

He played you fast and reined you in
No slow recital
You waited for him on the strip
But no arrival
Gave it up for him
But only just to let you down
To let you down
To let you down
Gave it up for him
But only just to let you down
To let you down
Yeah he let you...

I set up a date for us the next week, and I waited. I waited for 2 hours before I got told to leave the restaurant. I couldn't go home to see you, I honestly wanted to hit you with a car. So I walked, all around London, by my self. I went to all of our places, and thought of excuses on why you didn't show up. In the end I knew why you didn't come. You didn't want to. You didn't care. You didn't want me anymore. All this not caring is really starting to grow on me, maybe next time I shouldn't care about you, or anything!

Now you wanna run wild
Now you wanna run wild
Now you wanna run wild

I walked for what seemed like miles. I finally made it to a small park out side of town. I guess you tried to care cause you called, and called, and called. I didn't answer you call, or Simon's, or JJ's, nobody's. You told them to call me, you were worried about me, you should've worried about me a lot sooner then what you did. Did you worry about how I would react to you not showing up to dinner, bet you didn't. So why worry now? I'm gone, and done with him. Why does he care it's what he wanted.

Your heart's been dragged from left to right
Your soul's in limbo
To suffocate your open mind
He closed the window
And thus revenge is in your eyes
Spare me the info
Such a hopeful eve
But Adam let you down

As I sit in the small park another male joins me. "You alright?" Asked a foreign accent. "Yah fine, thanks." I reply lying. "If you fine then why are you crying in a park at 10 o'clock at night on a Saturday in London?" He questioned. "My boyfriend stood me up." I reply strait forwards. I'm surprised he didn't burst of the other direction. Most people don't stay around once you tell them your gay. "That's a real dick move, I would know, my last boyfriend dumped me the same way." He says taking a seat on the swing next to me. "Why would someone dump you?" I say, before even thinking about the words I just said. "I was wondering the same thing for yourself" he replays. Making me blush. This guy is really sweet.

He played you fast and reined you in
No slow recital
You waited for him on the strip
But no arrival
Gave it up for him
But only just to let you down
To let you down
To let you down
Gave it up for him
But only just to let you down
To let you down
Yeah he let you...

"Lachlan" he says holding out his hand. "Vik" I say shaking it. "So Vik, what does the rest of your night behold?" He asked "I don't know, pizza, ice cream, and dirty dancing seems pretty near in my future." I say with a laugh, as he laughs as well. "Well would you like to accompany me to some drinks." He asked standing up and offering me his hand. "How do I know your not some crazy murder that's gonna lead me to the woods and kill me? Hmm?" I reply. "Same way I knew you weren't some weirdo sitting by your self in a park. Instinct." He says. I take his hand and follow him to his car as we drive off the a near by bar.

Now you wanna run wild
Now you wanna run wild
Now you wanna run wild

I enjoyed my night with Lachlan, the drinks led to him getting my number and a date later this week. Now I'm walking towards the street to call a cab, but a car stops in front of me. "Want a ride?" it was Lachlan. I get into his car once more and tell him where to go to get to my house. He pulls up into my drive as I look at his dash 1:28 Am it read. I open my door and turn to get out of the car, yet my arm is grabbed. "Vik?" Says Lachlan turning me towards him. And then he kissed me. I kissed back, and enjoyed it. Once we break apart our heads are against each other. "I'll see you around" he says. "You sure will." I reply. I give him another peck on the lips and get out of his car. I wave by to him walking to the front door. I see his car drive away as I contemplate walking inside.

You acting D12 crazy, this is so bizarre
That's just what happens when you suffer from a broken heart
Tight jeans warm thighs but your soul is frigid
That's just what happens when you make someone your true religion

I walk in side and sure enough there is Josh,Simon,and JJ in the living room, clearly waiting for me to come home. I'm almost tackled by Josh as he wraps his arms around me and brings me in for a hug. "Vik, I was so worried about you baby. Where were you." He asked. "No where." I say pushing him off of me. "Vikk what's wrong?" he asked grabbing me once more, but getting my elbow to his crotch. "You, Josh you are what's wrong. I planed a nice dinner for us and who didn't show up. You. I cried over you for hours, till I found someone else. Or more like they found me, at least they looked for me Josh. I could've been dead for all you know, yet here you sit on your ass on the couch. I'm done. Okay so go away." I say as he's laying on the ground and I walk up stairs. I pull out my phone and add Lachlan to my contacts.

He played you fast and reined you in
No slow recital
You waited for him on the strip
But no arrival
Gave it up for him
But only just to let you down
To let you down
To let you down
Gave it up for him
But only just to let you down
To let you down
Yeah he let you...
Now you wanna run wild

The Adam to my Eve❤️

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