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Valentine's Day
Preston's pov
It was me and Robs first valentines together. I had planed it all out. I was picking him up at 6, we were going to a really nice dinner. Then go watch a sappy/romantic movie and cuddle the whole time. I also need to find time to give Rob his present. I wasn't feeling the best but I still wanted to kiss Rob so I wrapped up a bunch of little hershey kisses into one big one and I'm going to give it to him. I look over at my bedside clock it read 4:52 I guess I better start getting ready. I jump in the shower and put on a pair of jeans and a red button up shirt. It was now quarter till 6 so I got in my car to go pick up Rob. I knock on the door and I'm treated by his little sister. "Hi Lilly." I say as I walk into their home. "Hi Preston. Rob is still getting ready, but since he's not here. Tell me what you got him." She says with a big smile. She was only 8. "No no. It's a surprise." I say walking upstairs to Robs room to tell him to hurry up. I knock on his door and open it. He was sitting on his bed lacing up his shoes.
"Hey babe." He says as he stands up and hugs me. "Hi, you ready?" I ask. "Yah lets go." He says leading us downstairs. He sat his goodbyes and we get in my car. We hold hands and talk/sing the whole way there. It was a really nice place. Me and rob were there for about an hour or so, then we headed to a movie. We went and seen the fault in our starts, I cried. We then head back to my place. "Happy Valentine's Day Preston." He says hanging me a small red velvet box. I smile opening it. It was a little cactus necklace. The chain was gold and the cactus green of course. I smile. "Thanks Robbie it's beautiful." I say bring him into a hug. "I'll be back, let me go get yours." I say running up to my room. "Here, I wanted to kiss you, but I'm not feeling the best and don't want you to get sick so it's a lot of kisses." I say handing him the kiss. "Preston this is so cute. Thanks baby. Here a kiss from me to you." He says handing me a kiss from inside the foil. "Your such a dork." I say throwing the kiss at him. "Oh you did not just throw a kiss at me, This means war." He says as he starts chucking kisses in my detection. "You aim like a girl." I say tossing another at him. "Come back here." He says as I take off the other direction. We run around like this for a while then start to eat the candies. He unwraps then and we try to catch it in our mouths. After fail miserable we just cuddle and talk for be rest of the night. "Thanks for the kiss Preston. This has been the best Valentine's Day. Thanks to you" he says cuddling into me as we get comfy in bed. "I wouldn't have changed it for the world." I say kissing his mop of hair. "Love you." He says kissing my check. "Aww thanks I love me to." I say with a smile.

Sidemen/Pack  one shots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang