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Dominate Daddy, Little Girl

Words~ 1463

Viks Pov
I was siting on the floor in my bedroom, I'm meant to be cleaning it. I just got board and I miss my Daddy. Lachy went to lunch with some of his friends, and he told me to have my room cleaned when he gets back. I've literally only put one thing away. I know I'm gonna get punished, but it's been a while since our last encounters in the bed. I get up and put on Daddy's favorite skirt that I wear and a white shirt, then go to the kitchen leaving my room a mess. I grab myself a glass of water and wait for daddy on the couch. I'm not meant to drink or eat in the living room because we have carpet, and I'm not allowed to watch TV till my room is clean, but the more I do wrong the more I get punished. I hear Daddy's car pull into the drive way, and I hear him open the door. "Hi baby. Get your room clean?" He asked rubbing my shoulder. I bite my bottom lip and shake my head no. "Then why are you watching TV, you know the rules Princess, does somebody need to be punished?" He asked coming around the couch and sitting next to me, but not before knocking over my glass of water that was on the floor. "Vikk, what the hell? What has gotten into you lately. Go to your room and finish cleaning it." He yelled at me. I felt sad, I didn't mean to make Daddy mad. I get up and go to my room like I was told, I wipe the tears from my eyes as I walk down the hall. I sit back down on the floor, and actually try to pick up. About 10 minutes pass and I've still done nothing, that's when daddy knocked on my door. "Vikky? Are you actually cleaning, or are we just sitting on the floor?" He asked. He opens the door, and frowns at me. "Sorry Daddy." I say looking at my mess. He comes over as i grab his hand pulling me off the floor. "What is wrong with you today baby? Just tell me what you want, you don't have to break the rules to get my attention." He says picking me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. "I just want your attention" I say. "That's selfish Vik, other people want to see me too. I'm not very happy with you, you were going to get a surprise, but not now. Not till you change your act you got it?" He says placing me back on my floor. "Okay." I say letting a few tears drop from my face, "Daddy do I look pretty today?" I asked. "Yah princess, you know that's my favorite skirt on you." he says running his hand down my side. "I think you look pretty today too Daddy." I say getting on my tippy-toes and almost reaching eye level with him. "Vikk, if you finish your room soon, I'll still give your surprise okay, but you've got to work hard baby." He says. I shake my head yes, and actually clean my room. I put all my clothes and toys away and I made my bed too! It took me about an hour to finish it so daddy was laying in bed on his computer. "I'm all done Daddy." I say going over to his bed and crawling in next to him. "Good job Vikky" He says pulling me towards him. I flip to lay on top of him so I'm straddling him. "Can I have my surprise now?"I asked kissing him a few times.  "It was going to be that you could sleep in here tonight, but not now since you didn't do what you were told. Now you're not getting a surprise, but your not in trouble okay. Just do what is expected of you next time okay?" He says. "But Daddy...please I want a surprise."
I say allowing a few tears to fall from my eyes. "Vik stop asking, or you will get punished." He says. This is what I wanted. "Daddy, please, please, please, with sugar on top can I have a surprise." I say. "Vikkram, I don't know what has gotten into you today, but you are certainly getting a punishment now. Get up and un dress baby." He says pushing me off him. "Daddy can I play with you friend this time, I promise I won't bite again." I asked in buttoning my shirt. "I don't know yet baby, I don't know if you get to play at all yet." He says taking off his shirt and pulling down his pants. "Please Daddy, I'll be good I promise." I say just now getting done with my shirt. "Vikk, if you talk back one more time your going to get into a lot of trouble, and if you can't take off your own clothes then you don't need to play." He says as he pulls down my skirt and underwear in one swift motion. He grabs me and lays me on the bed. "Now, no touching yourself, and no arching your back. You understand me? And you better not cum before I tell you too." He says flipping me so my ass is to him and I'm kinda hanging off the bed. "But Daddy I want to play too, please me play with you when we're done" I pleaded. I was silenced by his tip at my hole. "Naughty princess don't get prep, ready baby?" He asked as I felt him slip it in a little. "I let out a small mumble as he pushes all the way in. "Oh Daddy. Fuck. Daddy." I scream. The bedroom is the only place I'm aloud to say bad words at. "Such a dirty mouth mister." He says spanking me hard, as he still thrusts in and out picking up some speed. He spanks me a few more times and keeps thrusting into me. "Daddy can I ride you today please?"  I asked as I'm pushed further into the mattress. "Only because you asked so nicely baby boy." He says pulling out of me as I crawl to the edge on the bed. He sits down and I climb onto him, and placing him member back into me. He thrust up into me hitting my prostate. "Oh Fuck Daddy right there Daddy. Oh faster, harder please. Fuck." I scream out as I bite onto his shoulder and neck. "Such a naughty boy." He says grabbing my ass harder. "Daddy, I-I-I need to cum. Please." I moan out trying not to release. "Hold it Vik." He says thrusting up right into my prostate once again. "Daddy please, please. I really need to cum." I scream out as he thrusts in and out quickly. "Keep holding it baby, your doing great baby." he says kissing me. He grabs my member and rubs up and down my shaft, making me become a moaning mess in his mouth. He runs his thumb over my tip and pushing open my slit, which makes me release on to the both of us. "Fuck Daddy." I gasp out in his chest. "Did you cum before I told you too?" he asked yanking my head up to look at him. I shake my head yes and give him my puppy dog eyes that say I'm so sorry. "Can I play now daddy?" I asked playing with his balls. He removes him self from me as I get on the floor so I can suck him off. "now Vikky, no teeth and no biting, do you understand me?" He asked. I shake my head yes and quickly wrap my mouth around him. I run my teeth over him once or two twice, earning me a slap. I rub his thighs as he cums in my mouth. I swallow it and stand up to go sit with Lachy. "I love you Daddy." I say laying on him. "I love you too, but you are being very naughty today. Maybe you need to sleep in here so I can keep my eye on you. Do you want to sleep in here Princess?" He asked pushing back hair out of my face. "I'll be good, I promise." I say slipping on my skirt and Daddy's sweat shirt and crawl next to you in bed. "So do you want to really tell me why you were such a bad boy today?" He asked. "I wanted to be punished by you Daddy." I say biting my bottom lip. "Just ask baby, I'll punish you anytime."

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