No Homo~ merome

281 6 0

Words~ 304 (short sorry)
Prompt~ above

Jerome's pov
I was running. I didn't know where or why, but I was. I couldn't find Mitch anywhere, I was so scared. I had cuts and marks all over my body from falling and being hit by trees. I had done a full circle of town and I'm now back at our house. I run to the driveway as I see someone drive off with you. I run as fast as I can after them. But they soon speed up, and I can't catch you. Your gone forever. I miss you Mitch.
I wake up with a scream. I feel tears stream down my face as my heart is beating a thousand miles an hour. I quietly get out of bed, pushing the blankets off my body. I open my bedroom door, and walk down the hall to Mitch's bedroom. I knock on the door quietly. "Come in" I here him say softly. I walk in and Mitch is working at his desk editing a video. "I had a bad dream." I say walking over to Mitch. "Wanna cuddle?" I ask placing my hand on to his. "Of course I do." He says as we lay down in his bed. I snuggle into his back as I whisper into his ear. "No homo" I say with a smile. Mitch turns around and gives me a look. "Jerome you idiot, we've been married for two years." He says flicking me on my head. I laugh and snuggle back into him. " I love you Mitch." I say kissing his cheek. "I love you to Jerome. And now that I'm here your not gonna have anymore bad dreams okay." He says. "Thanks Mitch your the greatest." I say giving him a kiss and going to sleep.

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