PATD! The Pack+Sidemen

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*this is a really long one shot so I hope it make up for the lack of them, sorry*

Type- getting together/ song
Ships- Emon, poofless, merome, 11years gang, wrotoksi, vikklan
***doing split povs***
***Vik is not part of the pack yet***
Viks pov
"Ughh stop you guys are so gross." I say rolling my eyes at Simon and Ethan as they share a kiss. "What ever your just jelly cause you don't have a boyfriend" say Ethan. "Am not, I'm perfectly fine being single." "What ever we need to find you a man. That's it Sidemen meeting in the living room." Yells Simons through the house. Sooner or later all seven of us are here. "Now I've called you all here because we have a love emergency on our hands, we need to find our dear Vikky hear a man." Says Simon looking right at me. I mouth fuck you. He smiles and turns away. "Yah Vik, I bet if you come to the concert with us tonight you'll find someone." Says Tobi. "I don't know, I've got a lot of studying to do. I've got a test and it's important and I can't fail and I just can't, schools really important." I say. "Oh come on we all know you have your book memorized. You need a break anyways. Now get your ass up and get ready to party." Says Simon. "Ughhh" I yell slowly walking up the stairs. I'm not gonna lie the concert we're seeing is a really good band, I honestly don't have an excuse for not wanting to go. I put on a pair of black jeans and a black shirt, I pull a sidemen hoodie over me and slip on my vans. I walk in the bathroom and look at my hair, I brush it out of my eyes and place my glasses onto the counter grabbing my contacts and putting them in. I look in the mirror. I honestly didn't look half bad. I grab my phone and wallet off my dresser and go back down stairs. "Let's go I guess." I say. "We're meeting up with some friends of mine from America to." Says JJ. I roll my eyes, I hate meeting new people.
Lachlan's pov
"Ughh stop you guys are so gross." I say rolling my eyes at Preston and Rob as the share a kiss."What ever your just jelly cause you don't have a boyfriend" say Preston . "Am not, I'm perfectly fine being single." "What ever we need to find you a man. That's it Pack meeting in the living room." Yells Rob through the hotel. Sooner or later all five of us are here. "Now I've called you all here because we have a love emergency on our hands, we need to find our dear Lachy hear a man." Says Preston looking right at me. I mouth fuck you. He smiles and turns away. "Yah Lachlan , I bet if you come to the concert with us tonight you'll find someone." Says Mitch . "I don't know, I've got a lot of studying to do. I've got a test and it's important and I can't fail and I just can't, schools really important." I say. "Oh come on we all know you have your book memorized. You need a break anyways. Now get your ass up and get ready to party, and I mean come on the concert is in England, maybe he'll have a British accent" Says Jerome. I roll my eyes and smile walking away to change. I put on a pair of blueish jeans that were bleached and
a red quarter sleeve shirt. I walk into the bathroom combing my hair into a quiff. I'm not going to lie, I didn't look half bad. I slip on my red convers and grab my phone and wallet off my bed. I go down stairs. "Oh and we're meeting up with some friends of mine." Says Mitch. Great I hate meeting new people.
Viks pov
"If crazy equals genius."(Best song ever btw)We all yell in the car on our way to London. Another song came on but was interrupted by JJ's phone ringing. It came up on the car dash a guy named Mitch. I don't know. "Yo what's up man." He says.
"We're heading over now. You wanna park together or just meet up?" He asked. It sounded as if he had a Canadian accent. "Um I can reserve seats. You've got four right?"
"No five our other friend came with us, hey Jerome give me that back. Hey JJ." We hear as another voice comes onto the phone. "Yo Jerome what's up man. Haven't talked to you in forever." "It's great um we can't hear you because Preston won't turn off the music so we'll see you there." "Okay later guys" says JJ hanging up. "They've not changed."says Simon with a laugh."How do you guys even know these people?" I asked. "A few were exchange students here for a while when we were in Uni. And the others we've meet through them." Says Simon. "Oh. Are they nice. "I questioned.
"Yah there just some crazy guys like us." Says Harry. "And to top it all off there gay. So makes them all better, but I don't know who they're bringing." Says JJ. "Don't threat Vik, they're all really nice and funny. Maybe the new guys is cute." Says Ethan nudging me and getting a slap from Simon. I giggle, now I'm kinda excited to meet these people.
Lachlan's pov
"Don't threaten me with a good time." We all yell in the car on our way to London. Another song came on but was interrupted when Mitch turned the music to call his friend. It came up on the car dash a guy named JJ . I don't know. "Yo what's up man." He says.
"We're heading over now. You wanna park together or just meet up?" He asked. "Um I can reserve seats. You've got four right?"
"No five our other friend came with us, hey Jerome give me that back. Hey JJ." Says Mitch as Jerome takes the phone out of his hands. "Yo Jerome what's up man. Haven't talked to you in forever." "It's great um we can't hear you because Preston won't turn off the music so we'll see you there." "Okay later guys" says Mitch hanging up."How do you guys even know these people?" I asked. "We were exchange students here for a while when we were in Uni. And the others we've meet through them." Says Rob."Oh. Are they nice. "I questioned."Yah there just some crazy guys like us." Says Jerome "And to top it all off there gay. So makes them all better." Says Mitch. "Don't threat Lachlan they're all really nice and funny."I giggle, now I'm kinda excited to meet these people.
Lachlan's pov still
We park and get out of the car into a huge open parking lot. I'm still trying to take in all of it when I'm pulled out of my trance when i see this hell of a guy, he was short and had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. I quickly blushed and turned back to the guys. "I can see you idiot turn around." I here Mitch say into the phone. A group of 7 guys starts walking towards us. The guy i locked eyes with seconds ago was also in this group. "Yo Mitch, Jerome. What's up dudes." Says a blonde male bring the two into a hug. "Nothing much man, so good to see you guys again. You guys remember Preston and Rob, and this is our friend from Australia Lachlan." Says Mitch pointing right towards me. "Sup." I says with a smile. "Nice to meet you, this is our other house mate Vik." Says The blonde. Motioning towards the god of a person. He waves his hand slightly, being awkward, but it was cute. "We better start going inside we want to get good seats" says a guy with a beard. We all grab our stuff and walk through the crowds of people. Everyone with their boyfriend hand and hand, then me walking next to Mitch and Jerome being a freaking outcast. "So Lachlan whatcha think about the new boy?, hot right?" Says Jerome kinda quite, earning him a punch from Mitch and a blush to form on my cheeks. "He's fine, I don't even know him. He could be like a cereal killer for all I know." I say. "What ever go talk to him. Learn to be social get your self a man." Says Mitch the last part maybe a little to loud. "Could you be any louder? Jeez." I say rolling my eyes as I turn to look at Vikk, but to my surprise he was already looking my way. We quickly both turn away.
Vikk's pov.
We park and get out of the car into a huge open parking lot. I'm still trying to take in all of it when I'm pulled out of my trance when i see this hell of a guy, he was tall had blonde hair blue eyes. I quickly blushed and turned back to the guys. "Mitch what the fuck I can't see you guys. Like I'm looking." I here JJ say into the phone. "There they are over there come on." Says Simon pointing in the direction of that hot guy. We start walking a few rows forward right towards the guy might I add. "Yo Mitch, Jerome. What's up dudes." Says Simon bring the two into a hug. "Nothing much man, so good to see you guys again. You guys remember Preston and Rob, and this is our friend from Australia Lachlan." Says Mitch pointing right towards the perfect man I locked eyes with moments earlier. "Sup." He says with a smile. "Nice to meet you, this is our other house mate Vik." Says Simon. Motioning towards me. I wave my hand slightly, being awkward as usual. "We better start going inside we want to get good seats" says Josh. We all grab our stuff and walk through the crowds of people. Everyone with their boyfriend hand and hand, then me walking next to Simon and Ethan being a freaking outcast. "So Vik whatcha think about the blonde?, hot right?" Says Simon kinda quite, earning him a punch from Ethan and a blush to form on my cheeks. "He's fine, I don't even know him. He could be like a cereal killer for all I know." I say. "What ever go talk to him. Learn to be social get your self a man." Says Ethan the last part maybe a little to loud. "Could you be any louder? Jeez." I say rolling my eyes as I turn to look at Lachlan, but to my surprise he was already looking my way. We quickly both turn away.
Vikk's pov still
"What should I say to him anyways." I asked Simon. "I don't know, ask how Australia is or something." He says. "Come on si, help a poor Vik out. You were the one like let's find me a man you know." Says Ethan. "Ughh fine, um just go over and say hey, like ask what is favorite song is by the band or something, get the conversation moving but don't make it awkward." He says. "Great how am I meant to not make it awkward when awkward is my specialty." I say roiling my eyes at him. "Just go." He says kinda pushing me. I turn and see he's walking behind his friends to. I walk over about to have a heart attack. "What's up." I say. Whoa who knew I was so cool, that came out perfect cool, calm, and collected. "Nothing much, just trying to get used to this Britain weather. I feel like I've not seen rain in years." He says with a laugh. "If you wanna see rain this is the place to be, what part of Australia are you from?" I asked. "Brisbane, it's like right on the ocean pretty sick." He says. "Cool, so do you like the band?" I questioned remembering my inner Simon. "Yah they're  one of my favorites, what about you?" He asked. "Same, they're really good. What's your favorite song?" I ask. "Oh easy, I love Crazy=Genius, hands down best song ever created. What's yours?" He asked with a smile. "Well I was gonna say the same song, but I'll go with um Miss. Jackson. That's a really good one to." I say with a smile. "Yah honestly all the songs are great." He says. "Yo Vik, what should I use Go pro or my phone." Asked Harry completely crushing my conversation with Lachlan. "I'll talk to you later." I say walking away hearing a small bye slip his lips. "Harry what the fuck dude?" I say kinda hitting him in the arm. "What I seen you talking with Lachlan I wanna know the details." He says. "Yah I want to know to, it seemed like he laughed. Did you mess up or were you actually funny." Asked Josh. "I-I don't know I just asked like where in Australia he was from and he said he lives on the beach, and then I asked him if he liked this band and he said yes and I asked him what his favorite song was, and he said my favorite song and then I was dragged back into reality." I say sending a glare towards Harry. "Ohh Viks got a crush." Says Tobi really loud. "I don't think all of Asia heard you Tobi maybe say it a little louder. My god." I say rolling my eyes. "Come on you like him." Says Josh stretching out the L in like. "Hey guys thanks for pointing out the obvious." I say.
Lachlan's pov
"So I seen Vik taking to you. Hmm you think he's cute hmm hmm do ya do ya." Says Rob
"Shh be quite you ass." I say blushing. "Ohhhh boy Lachlan's got a boyfriend." Says Rob. I cover my hand over his mouth. "Shut your pie hole dude." I say as Rob licks my hand. I wipe it across his face. "Dude ask him out, ask him out." Says Rob kinda chanting. "What ever, look the lines are moving gates must be open. Let's go." I say pushing Rob forwards. "Ofh sorry, Lachlan." Says Vik from behind me as he accidentally ran into me. "It's cool." I say. I'm not gonna lie, he's adorable." What the fuck Ethan ." I hear Vik say. "Someone had to make a move." I hear him reply. I smile to my self. We make our way through the lines and find our seats, well more like our area of the lawn. The opening band was alright they had a few songs I knew, but the best part was clearly Brendon if I wasn't already gay I would turn for him. I was standing next to Preston and Jerome as Vik and I think his name was Tobi stood a little in front of us. " bro if I weren't dating Mitch, me and Brendon would have to you know talk." Said Jerome. "not if I beat you to him, like I think he is what made me gay." I say rolling my eyes. As Mitch and rob come back with our beers.
Vik's pov
I was talking with Tobi when I heard something that got my attention. It was Lachlan, Preston, and Jerome. They were standing behind us, and I heard them say something about dating. If Lachlan was involved I kinda wanted to listen. "Bro if I weren't dating Mitch, me and Brendon would have to you know talk." Says Jerome. I laugh a little. They weren't lying Brendon is sexy *truth* then Lachlan spoke back. "Not if I beat you to him, like I think he's what made me gay." This gave me butter flys. I turned to Tobi. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "No what." "Lachlan just said he was gay." I say. "No way, bro tap dat." He says looking back towards Lachlan.I blush and play punch him. As Josh walks over. "No Tobi abuse." Says josh wrapping his arm around him. I roll my eyes. And turn back to look at Lachlan, yet I see him and all his friends looking at me. I quickly turn around. Why were they all staring.
Lachlans pov
"Get a room geez." Says Preston rolling his eyes at Merome. "No I tell you who needs to get a room, Vik and Lachlan. Go talk to him or I will." Says Mitch. "No, don't. What am I meant to say. Hey what's up wanna date." I say looking towards the small boy a little ways In front of us. Him and Tobi were talking. I see Vik say something and Tobi look towards me. Maybe he was talking about me. "So got any pick up lines?" Asked Preston placing his hand on my shoulder. I laugh and roll my eyes. "No, because those are stupid and never work. I'm just gonna talk to him." I say. "Well you can't just yolo what are you gonna say to him, your gonna get up there and be an idiot." Says Mitch. As were contemplating what I should say, we all see Vik turn back and see all of us staring at him and clearly talking about him. He blushes and quickly turns back around. "Fuck. He totally seen us." Says Rob. Earning him a slap from Preston due to his language. "Just go talk to him." Says Jerome pushing me towards him. I walk down the hill towards Vik.
Viks pov
"Hey, Vik. What's up." Says Lachlan from behind me. "Hey Lachlan. Just enjoying the amazing music." I say as he stands next to me, making me realize how tall he really was and how short I really am. "So earlier, you asked what my favorite song was. Can I change my answer?" He asked. "Um, yah I guess, what's your favorite song." I say kinda confused. "It's for sure Girls/Girls/Boys." He says. That made my heart tingle. "That's a great song too, may I ask why it's your favorite." I asked."I don't know, feel like I can relate, you know." He says back. "Yah, I can relate to, speaking of your favorite song. There about to play it." I say.

I don't wanna hear you've got a boyfriend
Sometimes you're better off alone
But if you change your mind, you know where I am
Yeah if you change your mind, you know
Where to find me
'Cause I don't ever wanna be your boyfriend
And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
Push another girl aside and just give in
Girls love girls and boys
Girls love girls and boys
And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
But girls love girls and boys
And love is not a choice
"Hey do you maybe wanna get a hotel and just hang out?" He asked. "Sure lets go." I say being confident and grabbing his hand and pulling us though the group of people.

Pose, you've gotta save your reputation
They're close to finding out about your girlfriend
But if you change your mind, you know where I am
Yeah if you change your mind, you know
Where to find me
'Cause I don't wanna save your reputation
And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
Push another girl aside and just give in
Girls love girls and boys
Girls love girls and boys
And never did I think that I
Would be caught in the way you got me
But girls love girls and boys
And love is not a choice

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