YOU SAID WHAT~ Poofless/vikklan

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Prompt~above changed slightly :)
Important A/N at the end plz read
Robs pov
"Come on you can do it." I say trying to help my son start to speak. He knows some words like papa and dad for me and Preston, and he knows Lachy and Vik, but his k don't come out to good so it's more of vi. Me and Preston are sitting in our living room with our 4 year old son named Noah. We're trying to teach him to say simple animals like dog, cat, frog. Stuff like that. "You can do Noah, frog. Just like me." Says Preston. "Moo" says Noah. "No, silly it's not a cow it's a frog. Frog say it like daddy. Ff--rr--o-g." Says Preston sounding it out for him. "Fuck." He says. Me and Preston's eyes both widen. "Noah, how do you know that word?" I asked. He points at Preston and laughs. "I do it like daddy." He says with a smile. "Okay that's enough for today. Go along and play." I say as he leaves. "Preston, what are you doing swearing around Noah, we talked about this." I say face palming. "I didn't. I promise." He says. "Then where the hell did he learn it from." I say kinda getting angry now. As Preston's about to say something the doorbell rings. I open it to see Lachlan and Vik, with there little girl Ellie. Ughhh I completely forgot we're watching her today. Ellie had big round glasses and was 5. She had very long brown hair that was always braided with Viks help. She also barley talked, she was very quite." Hey guys come on in." I say. "Actually we've got to go were running late to meet Simon and Josh, but I'll call you later." Says Vik as they give Ellie a kiss good bye and leave. "Noah is upstairs, you can go play with him." I say as she runs up the stairs. "Great now we have two kids one who says fuck and one who doesn't say a word." I say plopping down onto the couch. "It's okay Rob. He was bound to learn sometime, he's around people who say it all the time so it makes since I guess." He says trying to comfort me. "Yah your right, what do you want for dinner." I ask standing up and going to the kitchen. "How about frog legs." Says Preston with a smirk. I roll my eyes and put a pizza in the oven. The kids soon come down stairs and watch frozen on the big tv. It's about 8:30 when Lachlan and Vik come pick Ellie back up."thanks guys for watching her. Did you have fun?" Asked Lachlan picking her up. She shook her head yes. And whispered in Lachlan's ear. She dose this sometimes when she has something to say.
Lachlan's pov
"Did you have fun?" I ask, picking Ellie up. She shakes her head yes and says to me "I learned a new word today." She whispered to me. "Oh really, you will have to tell me and daddy when we get home." I say grabbing Viks hand.we say our good byes and leave. We drive about 20 minutes or so. Me and Vik change out of our nice clothes, and go sit with Ellie in her room so she can tell us about her day. "So Ellie, papa said you learned a new word, wanna tell us?" Asked Vik as he sat down on her bed next to her. She sits up and whispered in Viks ear. His eyes got really big "No, Ellie. You can't say that word. That's a very bad word. Where did you here it from?" Asked Vik. Then she pointed at me. "Lachlan!" Vik said. "What, I don't even now what she said." I say throwing my hands up in the air. "She said fuck Lachlan. She said fuck. Our 5 year old daughter said fuck, because she heard it come out of your mouth." He says storming out. "Sorry papa," she says to me. "It's okay, when did you here me say that word?" I ask just wondering. "A few nights ago, I heard you and daddy say it a lot." She says. Then it hit me she heard me and Vik having sex! "Shoot, okay. Listen Ellie. You can't tell anyone this word. And don't tell Noah." I say sternly. "He already knows. He told me the same thing." She says confused. I smile to myself. "Okay, that's enough for one night. Go to sleep. I love you." I say kissing her head. "Love you too papa." She says kissing me back. I slowly walk out of her room, and into mine where Vik was sitting on our bed looking very angry. "So Vikky, Ellie told me I wasn't the only one with a naughty mouth." I say sitting next to him. "What?" He asked confused. "She heard us having sex a few nights ago, and apparently Noah heard the same from Poofless, but one good thing does come out of this." I say grabbing onto his hand. "What?" He asked "since she already knows the words we can be as loud as we want." I say pushing us into the bed and starting a heated makeout session. "She's gonna learn some other words to, daddy."

Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for the support. And also I just started school back up again, so I'll be a little busy. So sorry if there aren't a lot of updates now, the only time I really have to write is at night, but I'll try. Anyways let me know if you have any requests and as always stay awesom ~Riley
Oh and ps my internet is shit so bare with me while we get it fixed 🙃

Sidemen/Pack  one shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora