Highschool Pt2.

146 5 2

Ships~ everyone
Words~ 969
Type~ continuation of last part
Mainly poofless+Vikklan this chapter
Viks pov
I guess this place is okay. I mean the people seem to be nice so far and Brandon was really nice to me and Lachlan. Oh did I mention this Lachlan kid is hot. I'm not talking he's cute or anything I'm talking like when can we fuck hot. Like he is god. I got put in almost all senior class even though I'm a sophomore, not my fault I'm smart. So I was kinda embarrassed when Brandon looked at my schedule. "Dude, are you some kind of like genius or something." He says. "I-I don't know, I'm just kinda advanced I guess." I say quietly. "Kinda advanced. Mate those are all senior courses." Says Lachlan. "Just show me where they are please." I say. "Okay so all senior courses are down this hall, but sadly your locker is on the other side of the building, and Lachlan your locker is over here and all you classes are on the other side." Says Brandon. "Okay, since I take senior classes with I eat like senior lunch or." I say. "Um I don't know honestly that can we something we could ask Mrs. Jackson, but I'd assume sophomore lunch." Says Brandon. "We should probably get back to the main office so you guys can get you computers and books" he says as he walks off. Me and Lachlan follow him, it was kinda quiet so I tried to make small talk. "So Australia? Is it nice there?" I asked walking along with the much taller. "Yah it's always way to hot, and I feel like we're always in a drought." He says with a smile. "Ugh I feel like England can never get a drought. It's always raining." I say. "Thank god for America being bipolar all the time about its weather." He says earning a small laugh from my lips. "So what do you study." He asked. "Oh I study astronomy. You?" I say. "I'm into computer programming and stuff like that." He says. "That's cool." I say. "Yah." He says. Leaving us to walk in awkward silence. I hope he's into guys.
Robs pov
"So your from Canada, that's cool. Is it really that cold there?"asked the boy who waited with me. I think she said his name was Preston. He was a kinda tall brown headed boy with dark brown eyes, did I mention adorable. "Um where I lived it was, I lived in Quebec so it was always snowing it felt like." I say. "That's cool, I'm from Texas originally and I'm used to never seeing snow, don't they speak French in Quebec?" He asked. "Yah, I'm bilingual, you kinda have to be if you wanna have a conversation." I say. "Cool I have to take French this year and don't even know how to say hi, since your a senior you'll be going into Latin. What's you major?" He asked. God does this child ever shut up. "Um I'm going to be a botanists, it's some who studies plants and flowers. What about you." I say kinda embarrassed. I don't want him to think I'm weird for liking flowers. "That's cool, I want to get into computer science and be a STEM teacher. STEM stands for science technology engineering and math." He says. I was going to say something then two boys. "How may I help you boys?" Asked Mrs.Jackson. "Um my name is Simon Minter and this is Joshua Bradley we're both exchange students from England." Says the shorter of the two. He was blonde, and it kinda looked as if the two were a couple by the way they stood very close." Ah yes Simon this is Preston he is your guide and Josh this is Rob he is another Senior this year let me get Mathew he is your tour guide." As she walks out Vik Lachlan and Brandon walk back in and then Josh says. "Oh my god Vik?" "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Asked the mocha boy as he hugged the other two." My mom sent me here to get a education." Said Simon putting quotations around education. "I told her I wouldn't go without my joshy, so we got his mom to send him too. Now we're here." He says. "Thank the lord I'll know someone now." Said Vik. I could kinda see Lachlan watching Vik as he talked to the two boys, Lachlan looked curious yet angry what was going threw his mind?
Lachlan's pov
It made me kinda upset that Vik didn't think of me as a friend. I thought maybe we could get along really well being the two that came farthest away to get here. But here I am still a no body. Did I mention I got mad when they hugged, Vik is a hottie. He was really easy to talk to. His accent was adorable and his height made him all that much better. He was a cutie. No one was talking besides the three British men, then two boys walked in. "Um where do we go to get our classes." Asked a a brown haired boy in a checkered hoodie. "Oh Mrs Jackson will be right back, I'm Preston where you guys from." say Preston moving towards the two. "Were from Canada I'm Mitch and this Jerome." He says. "Nice to meet you, know bear with me here on names but this is Lachlan,Rob,Vik,Brandon,Simon,and Josh was it?" Asked Preston. "Yep nailed it." He said back. "I'm gonna be helping you around school." He says. Mrs. Jackson walks back in with Mitch. "Ah great looks like every one is here. You all ready for your first day?"

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