Doing the dirty?~ Merome

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Ship~ Merome
Prompt- above
Type~fluffy/funny mention of smut
Mitch's pov
Me and Jerome went to lunch with Preston since he was in town. We went to this nice sandwich place and sat outside. Preston was coming up to Canada to see his boyfriend Rob, so he stopped in Montreal to see me and Jerome. "So guys tell me how's life." He says trying to break the awkward silence as we stuffed our faces full. "It's been good. Me and Mitch have been doing a lot lately." He says. "Like what?" Replied Preston. "Vik and Lachlan stopped in on there fly to Aussie so Vik could met Lachlan parents. We just really hung out all day. Just letting Lachlan see snow made him happy, or um we went to the zoo and Mitch fed this giraffe, and it took the food right out of his hand. It was so adorable. And Rob helps us decorate our place. He has good taste." "Well duh he picked me, the sexist person alive." Says Preston with a laugh." Oh oh but yesterday. That was so funny. You kept your socks on. And I didn't think it would be that squishy." Says Jerome talking about our little adventure yesterday. "Oh my god tell me about it. My legs are still so sore. I slept like a rock" I say remembering last nights fun times. "Tell me about it. You not only slept like a rock you felt like it to. Maybe lay off the cookies Mitch." Says Jerome poking me in the stomach. We look at Preston waiting for him to reply but his face is in ah. "Oh My God you guys did the frickle frackle?" Says Preston. Me and Jerome start blushing like crazy, we haven't even talked about sex. "No Preston. We went to a trampoline park yesterday. God get your head out of the gutter." I say punching him in the arm. "Oh well good, I'm to young to handle merome babies." He says with a laugh. "Same." Says Jerome. We finish up our meal and drop Preston off at robs place. I find it funny how Preston thought me and Jerome were having sex, please we all know the sex crazy couple is poofless. Duh. If only Preston knew I could see the hickey on his neck....

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