Happy Birthday~ vikklan pt2

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Prompt~ previous chapter!
Type~ you'll see ;)

Lachlan's pov
I wake up and look to my left seeing a tangled up Vik burrito in a red lace thong. I smile as I remember yesterday night. I couldn't have asked for anything better for my birthday,seeing as I got Vik the same present 23 days earlier. I get up and pull on my boxers walking down stairs to make breakfast. I turn on the stove and start to make pancakes for me and Vik, when I feel tiny arms being wrapped around my waist. "Morning baby." He says in his still tired state. "Morning Vikky, want some breakfast?" I questioned as I flipped the fluff batter in the pan. "Mm I don't know, I'm just not feeling good. I'm not really hungry." He says taking a seat at the table. "You okay. What's wrong?" I ask taking a seat with my plate next to him. "I've just got a bad head ache and my stomachs been bothering me, I'm fine tho. I promise." He says placing him hand into mine. "Okay. Well let me know if you need anything okay?" I say starting to worry a little. I don't like when he's sick. He shakes him head yes and goes back upstairs. I finish my breakfast and walk upstairs to join him. He was laying in be on his side watching videos. I go and sit next to him. "You okay baby?, you look really flushed." I say placing my hand to his head."and your on fire Vik. You need to go to the doctor." I say. "No I'm fine I swear it's just a cold I'm sure." He says. I get up and go to my desk looking through emails and messages when I hear Vik get up and run to the bathroom. I get to the door just as it gets closed on my face. I open it up and sit on the floor next to Vik, patting his back as he gets sick. "Vik I don't care what you say. I'm taking you to the doctor right now." I say walking out of the bathroom and grabbing clothes for Vik to throw on. I give him his clothes and we get into my car. We drive about 20 minutes away. We wait for what seems like five million years and Viks name finally gets called. He goes back by him self reassuring me he'll be fine. He's gone for almost 2 hours what's taking so long? I start to worry what if something is really wrong or if he's hurt really bad or something. I'm pulled out of my trance when the doctor calls my name and tells me Vik wanted to see me. I follow him down a hallway to Viks room. He opens it and leaves as I walk in his room. "Are you okay baby. What's wrong." I ask walking over and taking his hand in mine. "Nothing's wrong Lachlan I promise. Everything is great. Accurately it's more then great it's perfect." He say with a smile rubbing him thumb over my hand. "Then why did you get sick this morning?" I ask still so confused. "It's just what happens." He says. "Vik what's going on? Tell me right now." I say still so so confused. He leans up and whispers in my ear. "If you think your birthday present was great, just wait till you hear about mine." He says with a smile. "What does that even mean Vik? I'm so confused. Are you okay or not?" I asked starting to get kinda mad. "Lachy?" He says looking up at me. "Yah Vik?" I asked "you love me right?" He asked. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" I ask starting to get worried. "And you'll never be upset at anything that happens to us right?" He asked. "Vik what's wrong please tell me, your starting to worry me."
"Lachlan I'm 24 days pregnant."

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