Happy Birthday~ Vikklan pt3

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Ship~ Vikklan(I'm sorry I love them)
Prompt~ last 2 chapters
Type~ m-preg/fluff
Previously on dragon ball Z
"I'm 24 days pregnant."
Lachlan's pov
"You're what?" I ask shocked by what just came out of Viks mouth. "I'm 24 days pregnant with your baby Lachlan." He says looking up at me. "But, I mean like how? This isn't normal is it?" I asked starting to freak out. Guys aren't meant to be pregnant, right? "Lachlan it's okay, I've got some kind of genetic thing or something, and aren't you happy?" He asks looking very sad. "Oh Vik. I'm so sorry of course I'm happy, It's just a lot to think about and were only 21, like I don't think I'd be a good dad. What If they don't like me? What if.." I'm cut off. "Lachlan your gonna be a great dad. Your always so good with the fans we meet, and your so amazing at everything. Trust me, your gonna be amazing. I swear." He says leaning over the railing on the bed a kissing me. I smile to my self. I'm gonna be a dad. Vik moves over and I lay next to him in the hospital bed. I place my hands on his stomach as he intertwines our fingers together. "I love you Vik. I'm sorry I freaked out. We're gonna be great parents." I say. "I love you to Lachlan." He says placing his head on my shoulder. We're like this for about 5 minutes when the doctor comes in. "So do you wanna know if it's a boy or girl?"
Time skip (3 months into pregnancy.)
"Lachy?" I hear Vik yell from upstairs. The poor boy, he was in a lot of pain and I knew it. I walk up stairs and sit where Vik laid on the bed. His stomach has a bump that is kinda noticeable. "Will you lay with me?" He asked pulling on my hand. I roll my eyes at the cute boy next to me. I lay down next to him as he cuddles into my chest. "I love you Lachlan, thank you for everything." he says. "Aw I love you to Vik, and the little fudger in there to." I say placing my hand on Viks stomach. As I place my hand on his belly, I can feel the baby kick. I gasp and Vik dose to. "Omg Lachlan did you feel that." He says. "Yah I did Vikky." I say. "I love you two so much." He says starting to cry. "Aw Vik please don't cry." I say whiling away his tears with my hand. He cuddles back into my chest, and takes a little nap.
Time skip(5 months into pregnancy)
The poor boy. He was already short but now he's got a huge stomach as well. He feels horrible because he can't do anything to help. So he really just lays in bed and watches Netflix. I was down stairs now making us both lunch, when out of the corner of my eyes I see Vik make his way down the stairs. "Vik what are you doing you should be laying down not climbing stairs." I say helping him to the couch. "I don't wanna lay down anymore. I wanna get up and move. I wanna have sex with you Lachlan. I wanna be able to touch my fucking feet. This isn't far." He says crossing his arms. I blush at the fact he's talking about sex. "Baby, it's okay. Only 4 more months, things will get better I swear." I say grabbing his hand. "That's what they all say, it's not fair. Your not pregnant. You can still eat bacon and not get sick, and you can still have sex and touch your feet and go outside with out people looking at you like your a monster. I just want 4 months to come a little quicker." He says. "Jeez Vik, two sex references in under 5 minutes. What's gotten into to you." I say with a laugh. "You have you idiot." He says motioning to his stomach. I roll my eyes and lay down next to him on the couch. We just talk and kiss here and there, but Vik does kinda trace over my crotch a few times. "Vik do I need to put a restraining order on your boy. Jeez can't keep you off me ." I say getting up off the couch. "Oh come on you know you liked it." He says with a wink. "Yah, but there's a small problem." I say. "Oh yah what's that?" "Your carrying my child Vik. We can't have sex. Your horny when your pregnant gosh." I say with a laugh going upstairs to record some videos.
Time skip (9 months in)
"Lachlannnnn" Vik yells down from upstairs. I run upstairs to make sure he's okay. His stomach is huge and he is in a lot of pain. The doctors say the baby should be coming in a few days. "Yah Vik are you okay?" I ask coming into our room, which currently had a crib in one corner, as well as so much more baby stuff. "Lachlan. My everything hurts." He says whining. "Vik I know, just a few more days. You're doing great." I say taking a seat next to him. He smiles up at me as I place my hand on top of his stomach. I love to feel Viks breathing and the way the baby moves, it's just so calming knowing me and Vik are gonna be parents. "Hey Vik?" I ask looking at him. "Yah Lachy?" He say looking up at me. "Do you think you could go on a walk?" I ask. "Um maybe a small one, yah sure. Only if you help me up." He says holding his arms out ingrown of him. I roll my eyes and help Vik up off the bed. I help Vik down the stairs and we walk out side into our back yard. I had set up a little lunch date for us. "Aw Lachy, why did you do all this?" He says as I pull him towards the little table outside. "I don't know, when we have a kid we won't be able to go on dates anymore so I thought it might be nice to have one last one. Plus you deserve it" I say. "Aw that's really sweet of you Lachlan. Thank you." He says kissing my cheek. We enjoy lunch together just talking and laughing about stupid things. "Can we go back in side, I'm kinda getting cold." Vik asked. "Yah of course, just one more thing." Vik stands up and I go in front of him. I get on one knee and pull a small box out of my pocket. "Lachlan what are you doing." He asked. "Vikkram Barnes, you have been the man of my dreams since day one, and now with having a kid with you, I think we're an amazing team. I'm the salt to your pepper, peanut butter to your jelly. Sperm to the egg." I say standing up placing my hands on his stomach. "Vikkram barns? Will you do me an amazing honor and marry me?" I ask. He places his hands over his mouth, and shakes his head yes as he starts to cry. "Aww Vikky don't cry." I say as I bring him into a hug. I grab his hand a slip a diamond ring onto it. "Aw Lachlan I love you so much. Your so amazing and were gonna be a great family. And I love you more then anything in the world." He says as he pulls me down for a kiss. I wipe his tears away as we go inside hand in hand. Vik runs off and calls his mom and dad. As well as the sidemen. I lay in bed and listen to him hear the story over and over again, but each time a little differently. After about 40 minutes on the phone, he finally lays down next to me and goes to sleep.
"Lachlan, Lachy. Babe, wake up. I think the baby is coming." I can kinda hear as I'm shaken awake. After a few seconds of contemplation of what was said, I jump out of bed and get dressed and help Vik into the car. I look at the dash. 3:17 it read. I look over at Vik who had his eyes closed shut tightly with his head against the window. I place my hand on him knee to try to calm him down. "It's okay Vik, were almost there." I say as he grabs my hand in his. We go into emergency and Vik is taken back almost instantly, why I stay out front and fill out his paper work. After about 20minutes of paper work, they said I could go back and sit with Vik, and that he also hasn't had the baby yet. I walk down a long hall of rooms and stop at Viks door opening it. I go over and pull a chair up next to his bed. "How you doing honey?" I ask taking his hand. "I'm better now that your hear." He says with a smile. Vik had very bad pain for about another 2 hours, that's when the doctors came in and said it was time. So I stood next to Vik and held his hand as he squeezed it as hard as he could. After about 45 minutes of labor, Vik did have the baby. They took the baby to clean it up and came back with it a few minutes later in a pink blanket. I smile at Vik as the woman hands him her.
"Hello Chloe."

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