Part 63

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"Okay you guys have already said this before. How the fuck do you know each other?" Mel asked impatiently.

"Well, we-"

"Y/N and I went to the same high school for a while until she decided to disappear. The whole school kinda regards her as an urban legend now," Marcus interjected.

"Wait what."

"It's true. Some people made rumours that you were a ghost. They even say that if someone were to say your name three times in the mirror you'd show up and-"

"That's not true!"

"Okay, that last part wasn't true, but how cool would it be if it was?" he beamed.

"Yeah, sure. Do you even go here?"

"No. I just like going to parties."

"Aight. I understand. Actually, no, I don't. That's really weird, Marcus."

"Yeah, well anyways it would be fun if you returned. You know, clear up all the rumours and stuff," Marcus said. It was hard to distinguish whether he was joking or being serious.

"Maybe I'll return on Halloween or something and hide in the girls' bathroom," I suggested. I was only kidding at first but as I thought about it more in depth I kinda wanted to do it. Like fuck you for thinking that I'm a ghost I'll haunt you.

"Haha, that would be great, but you know... I was thinking permanently. You know? Like returning back."

"Oh," I stumbled, "look, the reason that I left in the first place wasn't due to you know, the people or the environment of the school. It actually wasn't because of me at all. My dad's job moves around a lot."

"Oh. Well actually, my dad is hiring. He owns a really large company and I'm pretty sure that the position pays a lot."

"Thanks, but I think things are going fine at this job. Thank you though, Marcus. I really do miss you and some of the people at that school even though you hardly talked to me and always took my erasers."

"Hey, I had a huge crush on you. You can't blame me if I was too nervous to talk to you."

I furrowed my brows. "You had a crush on me?"

Why am I so completely oblivious to people liking me? Maybe it's because I view myself as so undesirable that the mere thought of someone possibly being attracted to me seems like a joke.

"Yeah," he said, his face turning red. "You're gonna think that this is stupid. I thought it was a great idea for a while but looking back at it, it's completely stupid, but I was going to ask you to prom with the erasers that I got from you."

"You were gonna what?"

"I was gonna create this huge thing that spelt out 'prom?' with erasers but, you know..."

"How many erasers did you think I would continue to give you?" I asked.

"I don't know I just thought of the idea at the time, not the entire execution."

"That was a cute idea though, weird, but cute." I laughed.

"Yeah, hey... if you're not-"

I felt a jab at my side and turned to see Mel trying to sign something to me.

"What is it?"

"Well, um, basically... abort mission!" she cried, running off.

Punk Harry ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now