Part 66

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I wasn't upset. Why would I be? I had no reason to be upset. I was never in a relationship with Harry. It wasn't like I was friends with him for years either. Plus, I always knew that he is a shitty person. I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not surprised. I don't care if his intentions were just to use me and discard me when he was satisfied. I wasn't upset.

It didn't take me long to understand what he said to me. As I began to think about it more, I realized that most of our conversations led to him trying to make a pass at me. It's just, I've always thought that he was just joking but I guess not.

I didn't care though. I wasn't upset. There's nothing to be upset about.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you okay?" my father called before walking into my room.

"Yeah. I'm great. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Well, for starters, there are thirty tubs of ice cream on your floor. Also, you look like you've just gotten out of a car crash," my dad answered, looking at the trash that was surrounding me.

"It's an art project."

"Do you even take art?"

"I could have taken art if I wanted to, dad."

"Okay... so I'm gonna leave now. Have fun."

I hummed in response. I am okay. I'm going to be fine. I am fine. There is nothing to worry about. In fact, I feel great. All that I've ever wanted was to get Harry to leave me alone and now I've finally accomplished that. I'm ecstatic!

I should go out and do something. I reached under my pillow and pulled out my phone to call Mel.

She answered after the fourth ring.

"Oh... hey Y/N," Mel said reluctantly.

"Hi, Mel!" I answered cheerfully. "What are you up to right now?"

"Um, nothing at the moment bu-"

"Great! So do you want to do something today?"

"I mean I guess."

"Okay! Meet me at the building next to Starbucks on Parks Street okay? This is gonna be great! I'm so excited!"

"Um, what exactly are we doing?"

"It's a surprise! Isn't this fun? I'll see you in ten minutes!"

"Okay, I'm not scared at all."


"Y/N, why are we here?"

"What do you mean? This is fun?"

"Well, I guess if you're like a woman in her mid forties going through a mid-life crisis but you know..."

I frowned. "Hey, Betty here is 86. Pottery is for all ages. You go, Betty! Your vase looks fantastic!"

"Thanks, sweetie! Do you want one?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want one! Hit me up with one of the cat ones though. Those are the bomb."

"You got it, sweetie!"

Mel tapped on my shoulder to get my attention.


"Okay, so since you haven't realized, I guess I have to tell you that you are clearly losing your mind."

I looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine? I haven't been more fine in my entire life. I feel great! Do you wanna go jogging?"

Mel gasped. "You hate physical activity what's wrong with you?"

I shrugged. "I just realized that life is short and it's good to be occupied and not just sit around at home all day."

Punk Harry ImagineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon