Harry Styles

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Mr. Gareth

Period 1

Word Count: 1,025

At first glance, Harry Styles seems to be the type of person you want to stay clear of. His piercing eyes, tatted up skin, tallness, and dark persona are only there to confirm it. Not to mention, he looks like the type of person who would kick small animals on weekends. And because of his looks, he kind of seems like a loner. Yeah, he can hang out at parties and easily have a group of people surrounding and following him everywhere, but he’s the type of person who would rather be alone. There is one explanation for this, however: he pushes people away. He always assumes the worse. He’s afraid of becoming too close to a person, thinking that the more attached you become, the more it hurts when they leave. And for that, he is the epitome of a ‘pessimist’. He has theories that if you shut everyone out and expect the worse in every scenario, you’ll never get hurt; that it only gets better. In some scenarios, this could be correct, however. But in others, it could crush a person even more.

When asked what he thinks people’s first impressions of him is, he easily responded saying that “people don’t typically like [him] or they think [he’s] hot.”

This brings me to the next subject. He has the world’s biggest ego. Sometimes, trying to talk to him might seem like you’re only talking to a toddler who would merely give you a one-worded response, and when he actually does respond, he makes you regret ever talking to him. His comebacks are always smart, rude, and witty, and it makes you think about your life and how you reflect as a human being, a lot. The way he talks to you makes it seem like he’s better than you. Even if it seems like he doesn’t know you, he almost tricks you into thinking that he knows you more than anybody else. The thing about Harry Styles is, he wants to make you think that he knows everything. That he doesn’t need you to tell him anything because he already knows. He probably thinks that he himself knows everything in life.

Harry Styles is smart though. I’ll give him that. He is passionate too. He just doesn’t really show anyone this side of him though. He knows a lot, he just doesn’t speak up that much. You would think that someone who attends school every other day might not get a lot of the assignments or briefly understand them, but Harry? No, he knows almost everything. It seems like if you were to give him an assignment about something like poverty and tell him to give his opinion on it and write an essay on it, he’s probably have it done the next day. He would have it done with full understanding on it, graphs, and data tables ready. He puts so much into everything that he does, but doesn’t like being praised on it. He’s rather much see what everyone else has done, anyways.

Harry actually cares a lot. He would never admit it, but if everyone in the whole world was depressed, he would most likely do anything in his reach to help them. Not saying that he would do a very good job though, because he would be really honest on it.

As I briefly mentioned, he is honest. He is so honest that it makes him sound like a complete jerk at times. It makes you feel like you can almost talk to him about anything and not have to worry about it being broadcasted to everyone. No matter how much he hates you, you can tell that he wouldn’t talk about you in a bad way behind your back to his friends or anybody; he would say it to your face, whether you wanted to hear it or not. Since he’s honest, you know that he expects the same amount of honesty back from you. Although it might seem like you shouldn’t make him angry by pointing out his flaws and/or telling him about something he did that makes you unhappy, you should. He might put on his “I don’t care” face, but honestly, he hangs onto every word that you say. In a way, it relieves him. He can accept criticism. Sometimes it might even feel like he likes criticism. He uses your input as a way to reflect upon himself.

Let’s also add that Harry Styles has a really good memory. This adds on to show how much he really cares. If someone were to talk to him about something that he found stupid like a list of reasons why purple is their favorite color, he might look a bit uninterested and doze off, but if in the future the color ‘purple’ were to become a conversation topic, he would easily recite all the reasons on the top of his head. However, he would either say it stupidly or plainly to try to hide the fact that he remembers and make a joke out of it. Furthermore, when he is actually interested in your opinion, he will stare at you while you talk. He will look you right in the eyes and it seems like he’s sensing whether you’re just bluffing or telling the truth. Occasionally, he nods and mutters side comments to himself to prove that he is listening.

So to sum it up, Harry Edward Styles is a scary, lonely, vain, intelligent, passionate, caring, honest, and thoughtful pessimist with a good memory. He might be difficult to get to, but I am sure if you knew him, he’d be the first person you would go to with all of your problems because of everything listed here. He might seem all big, tough, and scary on the outside (and he kind of is to an extent), but on the inside, he’s not that bad. But that’s all I can tell you about him for the one week that I have known him. Hopefully, I’ll be able to learn more about him if he doesn’t read this and kill me for how mushy this paper is.

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