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hyejin answered the phone and placed it to her ear, she knew already who it was. "hyejin, are you coming home soon? did you find the receiver of the letter?" her mom asked her through the phone.

"yeah, i'm coming home right now," hyejin said and ended the call. she looked at yoongi. "i have to go," she said and got on her feet. she bowed to him before she turned around and started to find herself the way out.

"you didn't answer my question," he said. she stopped in her motions and closed her eyes . whatever she answered would be so wrong, because she didn't knew him so that was a reason not to, but she wanted so badly to be able to play the piano.

she turned around to him. "give me some time to think about it" she said, her thoughts clouded. yoongi looked like he thought for it for a bit before he nodded. "see you later," she said and bowed again. he waved, before she got out the door.

hours later hyejin laid down at the bed. she had done this since she came home from yoongi's place, after she had eaten dinner. she was restless in her thoughts.

why would he offer to learn how to play piano to her, a complete stranger? it just seemed weird.

the next day hyejin was still lost in her thoughts at school. yoojung and sora had to repeat things to her because she didn't notice them talking to her

she didn't even notice when jungkook after school, suddenly creeped up on her when she was on her way to the bus.

hyejin jumped in shock when jungkook said: "hello" close to her ear.

"oh sorry, i thought you were aware of me," he said and chuckled. she pressed her lips to a firm line, waiting for him to ask her the question that he came here for.

"uhm, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to study at the study hall on saturday?" jungkook asked. "huh?" hyejin blurted out with while she stopped. he had never asked something like that.

he would always ask if she wanted to go out and eat with him or if she wanted to go to the game hall to play games with him, but this was different.

he looked at hyejin, just having this hopeful smile at his face.

she looked away, thinking. he just wanted to study, what problem could it cause? he was also one of the best in their class just 5 ranks below her.

"fine," she said and looked him directly into his eyes.

the second hyejin went through the door in her apartment building when she came home, she found her pushed to the wall.

she, terrified, looked at the person in front of her. yoongi.

"how did you get into this building?" hyejin managed to ask. "you don't live here,"

"someone let me in," he answered, still holding her into the wall. "have you made up your mind about the piano lessons?" he asked looking into her eyes.

"no..," hyejin mumbled. she didn't and now at this point she didn't really want to do it. yoongi sighed.

"can you please let go of me?" she asked. he looked at his arms in front of him, who was holding a fast grip around her shoulders. he let go of her.

"i'm sorry," yoongi said. he kept talking. "i didn't mean to do that," hyejin straightens her shirt who was a little bit wrinkled of his grip.

"it's just when there isn't much to do these days, so it would just be fun to keep me occupied with something," he mumbled, not looking at her.

hyejin felt suddenly sorry at yoongi's behalf.
him being all alone in the apartment all day, just doing nothing.

suddenly her mouth started moving and before she knew it, he was smiling his gummy smile in front of her. she had said yes to the piano lessons.

she must had feel like yes-girl today, minutes ago to jungkook and now to yoongi.



bleh, i just want to not do an assignment at school for the moment, so i'm not feeling great for the moment, but anyways (here is wonderwall lol) here is a new part!

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