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"oh hello," yoongi said when he opened the door to hyejin. hyejin smiled her unconfident, but polite smile. "i'm sorry for being late, i couldn't find anything to wear," she said nervously and looked down at her shoes.

yoongi shook his head and smiled. "it's fine," he said and admired her before he spoke again. "come in," he said and made room for her to go in.

she went into the living room, the huge living room where the piano was. yoongi followed her. "so are we going to start?" he watched her as she stood awkwardly waiting for him to direct her.

she blushed before she sat down and yoongi sat down beside her on the small piano chair. there was not a single space between them and hyejin seemed a little taken aback by the closeness. yoongi smirked.

"so what do you know, about the piano? do you know anything?" he asked and looked at her. she was staring at the keys at the piano and shook her head.

yoongi looked at the keys "i guess i have to teach you the basics first then," he said and placed his fingers at the piano and breathed out. it seemed like he was going to play, before he spoke.

"this piano's keyboard consists of 88 keys, 52 white ones" he said placing a finger on a white one and sound came from the piano,"and 36 black ones," he said and pressed a black one where another sound came out.

"we are going to first focus on the white ones, because they are much easier to adjust to first," he said and looked at hyejin. she looked at him and seemed to not have looked at the piano while he spoke.

"i think it would be easier to learn if you looked my hands and not my face," he said and grinned. she looked suprised at him and blushed. yoongi looked at the keyboard again.

"now place one of your hands at the keyboard ," he said suddenly. hyejin placed one hand at the keyboard and yoongi placed one at the opposite side of where her hand was. "the keyboard follows a pattern," he said, and stroke carefully over 7 white keys.

"these are the one's that are getting repeated, and are the same note all the way from here to there" he pointed from left to right at the piano. "the difference that the sound gets lighter," he said.

yoongi looked up at hyejin. "you with me so far?" he asked. she nodded.

he looked down at the piano again. "so chords-" he said before he was interrupted from a loud noise. he looked at hyejin beside him.

she wouldn't look at him. "was it your stomach who made that sound? are you hungry?" he asked her, he seemed amused. she shook her head.

"you sure, i have some cold noodles in the fridge?" he said pointing to the kitchen. she was quiet. she didn't shake her head. "i'm taking that as a yes," yoongi said and smiled. he got on his feet.

hyejin hadn't eaten since breakfast. she had been so nervous and at school earlier she hadn't even told sora and yoojung what she was doing after school. her mom thought she was hanging out with them and that she was coming home later to eat.

"come here," she suddenly heard yoongi said. she turned to a table where he had placed two bowls on the opposite side of each other at the table. he sat with one side where a bowl sat in front of him.

she walked to the table and sat down. she was looking down, she wouldn't dare to meet his face. but when she sat down, she sneaked a glare at his face where she stared directly into his eyes.

"eat now, or i won't teach you more," he said strictly. hyejin grabbed the chopsticks and started to eat without leaving his stare.

"so hyejin-ah..tell me about yourself," he placed his head on his hands who was laying at the table. he tilted his head to the side while smiling to her.

min yoongi, what are u up to?!

so sorry for posting a new part a month after last part. there hasn't been a day without i've been thinking about u.

my phone has been buzzing of notifications of people who had added this story to their reading list, or have voted or have commented; and i appreciate so extremely much, more than you know!

i will post a message for what i'm dealing with in real life. so look out for that...

BTW, A LITTLE FANGIRLING RANT HERE TO SHOW U I'M MUTUAL: BTS FUCKING WON ARTIST OF THE YEAR ON MAMA (and Best Album of the Year on MMA must not miss dat), I WAS SO PROUD AND WAS UGLY CRYING WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING AND YOONGI AND JUNGKOOK WAS CRYING...AND I WAS LIKE: WAT THESE BOYS NEVER CRY AND I'M SO PROUD OMFG (and i dunno if it's true but this award has only been won by like SM, YG and JYP artists up to this moment, where BTS from a little company has won this year, like if this is true, I'M BEYOND PROUD!)

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