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jungkook met up at the address hyejin wrote down.

he was standing outside waiting for a while before he went inside. it was too chilly for him to wait out there.

he looked around and searched the overcrowded area of tables and chairs for hyejin, but she was nowhere to be seen.

she must be late, he thought.

so he sat down at a stool with the counter, ordering hot chocolate. to keep the time go he went on his phone.

suddenly someone sat down beside him. he turned around to see if it was hyejin, but it was a pretty woman who had sat herself down beside him.

her face had a lot of makeup on and her hair, who was colored blond, was in a ponytail at the top of her head.

their eyes met and jungkook looked away. "coffee," he heard her say. he went back to being on his phone.

"so what are such a handsome boy like you, doing here?" he suddenly heard the woman beside him ask.

he turned around and looked at her, wondering if she meant him. and yes, she did because she was staring right into his eyes waiting for an answer.

"i'm-i'm waiting for my friend," he said and looked out the window for hyejin, before he looked at her again. the woman had to be several years older than him, in her mid 20s probably. he gulped.

"oh my god, you are so cute when you talk," she said and laughed, before they got interrupted by the barista who sat a cup of hot chocolate in front of jungkook and a cup of coffee in front of the woman.

"cheers," she said raised the cup a little bit before she took a sip while staring into jungkook's eyes. he again gulped, and decided to just talk with this woman until hyejin came. 

hyejin, who was on her way, was cursing her teacher in her head.

the teacher had arrived 20 minutes too late to the class, so the class ended 20 minutes too late.

the teacher had excused herself many times, saying there was someone who had bought her lunch and therefore she had lost time and all.

jungkook was probably very lost at the café right now, she thought. she was really excited for today and smiled of the thought of meeting him. this was the day that she would agree for them to go out on a date.

slowly she reached the address of the café. she rounded a corner and there the café was.

it looked beautiful at the outside, so it had to be like on the inside too, she thought. she reminded herself to thank yoongi again for the advice.

she then opened the door, and skimmed through the café to look for jungkook. she smiled at the sight of him when he saw him sitting with the counter, but then she saw that he wasn't alone.

a woman sat talking with him. an older and more beautiful woman sat talking with jungkook. 

she was really close to him too and while having a hand on his shoulder, she was laughing madly of whatever jungkook told her.

hyejin's heart broke a little at this point.

he was supposed to only like her, as he had done for ages. but maybe she was too late, too late for them to hang out today and too late for her to say yes? hyejin felt empty and flustered and she didn't know what to do in this situation.

and just when jungkook was going to look at the door to look after hyejin, she sprinted out of the café. that's when the tears started to ran down her cheeks. 

when hyejin arrived at her neighbourhood, she was soaked in tears and the rain that had started when she walked the long way home. 

the empty feeling in her chest was weird and she couldn't help but to feel numb of the feeling. maybe it didn't help either that she was cold because of the rain. 

all this made her inattentive on her surroundings around her, so she bumped into someone.

she looked up to excuse herself to the person. she looked into the eyes of yoongi.

"hyejin, are you okay?"



some of y'all thought yoongi was going to kill jungkook or beat him up or something, lol nah i don't want to lay a single stray on kookie's head...or maybe not yet...we'll see hih..

over 8000 reads on this story wahhhhhhh THANK U ILU <3333

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