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hyejin was sitting quietly eating her lunch when her friends approached her. the look on their faces revealed their curiosity before they even opened their mouth to ask her a question.

"are you okay, hyejin?"

sora asked the question, while yoojung just looked at hyejin. yoojung seemed to wonder about the same. they had probably talked about it on their way here, having the same class together before lunch.

"i'm okay. what's with the question?"

she tried to get her voice to sound normal, but a snippet of panic was heard in her voice.

"you just don't seem like yourself, kind of? how was it at the school nurse?"

hyejin shook her head at sora's question. "i'm really okay. it was fine, nothing was wrong with me as expected, but she did let me take a walk around campus,"

she took a bite of her kimbap. she didn't like all these questions. sora and yoojung didn't seem to believe her, as they were still sitting not acting like it was normal. they were just looking awkwardly at each other.

"you know you can talk with us if it is anything? isn't there anything you wanna tell us?" yoojung started asking.

hyejin looked into yoojung's eyes. she was hinting to something, it was clearly that they wanted her to bring it up into the conversation.

hyejin started panicking. who had told them? she looked quickly to the side, to the table where jungkook was sitting and observing them, meeting her eyes. he was the one. she looked back at her friends in front of her.

"jungkook told us about this boy, he had seen you with. telling us that it was your boyfriend," sora started to tell her. "why have you not told us about this, hyejin?"

she was frozen to the spot. she didn't want to tell them. she didn't want to talk about this, not right now. not after everything that had happened the past days and hours. there was so much that she yet didn't understand.

hyejin bit into her upper lip, while looking down. what was she to do? she just wanted to leave right now.

she started to pack her food. "hyejin, where are you doing?" she could hear yoojung ask. she ignored them. she put her food into her backpack and started leaving the lunch hall. she could hear sora and yoojung run after her, until they didn't follow her.

hyejin got to the girls bathroom and started to wash her hands. she felt dirty, so dirty and she was so disgusted. if she could only wash away what she had done. she was harsh at washing her hands, that it started hurting.

she suddenly stopped and looked at her reflection in the mirror. she touched her hair where he had touched her, her lips who he had kissed with his. her hand proceeded to swipe gently over the chest, and started go down to her crotch. her mind was replaying it again, and it felt so good.

suddenly someone started to unlock one of the bathroom stalls, and hyejin stopped what she was doing and pretended to look normally into the mirror before she started to make her way out of the girls bathroom.

hyejin left school right after this. she was scared to meet her friends and jungkook again, bombarded with yet again a lot of questions. she also couldn't get her mind straight, she couldn't focus, so school was meaningless at this point.

hyejin walked the long walk to her neighbourhood. she found herself between the two buildings again, was about to go into her apartment when she turned her head to look at the building yoongi was living.

was he at home right now? she shook her head, he was always at home. she gave quick glances at her surrounding, making sure no one was watching her as she walked into his building.

taking the same route, as she had done a lot of times before, up to his floor, she shivered. she hadn't been with him since they slept together. in her hungry eyes, it was too long.

she knocked easily at the door, and it didn't take long before he opened the door. he looked like he had just woke up. standing there for long, he admired her. teasing her with his stare, he made her wait.

"shouldn't you be at school right now?" he spoke, he chuckled a little bit, but still intimidating like before.

and just as that, he pulled her into the apartment and pushed her against the wall.

"what should we do today? should we keep up with our piano lessons?" he asked her. he had his hands on her hips. hyejin who couldn't stand still on her feets, smiled and shook her head. he was being silly, she thought. 

"oh, okay, then what should we do today?" he brought her closer to him, leaning his head a little bit back. he was still teasing her. 

she licked her lips, not managing to get a word out. "you know," she whispered, her shoulders shuddered. yoongi chuckled. 

"what do i know?" 

he smiled. hyejin sighed, she was embarrassed, she didn't want to say anything. she just wanted him to do what he always did.

he suddenly leaned forward, to her ear. 

"i'm just messing with you, baby," 


authors note;

yo i will write more, pls don't kill me

wah...a month ago i wrote how happy i was that i got over 100K on this story, and now it is 110K, almost 10K in one month!!!! omg thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

i'm sorry, i haven't given u a part in a month, is probably a record anyways, based on where there has been several months between each part lol. 

i have been doing exams and i finished high school a couple of weeks ago, and finally i'm done. and these weeks i have kind of relaxed a litte bit, bc i'm literally so tired. i also had to run errands for my mom and myself, so i'm sorry.

i really want to finish this story (oh my you don't know how much i want), not in a negative  way ,but since i started this almost 2 years since now i just want to finish and give you a finish, i will try to make it quick!!!

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