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hyejin walked quietly into the study hall saturday morning. she looked after jungkook, her eyes searching the room.

jungkook who sat in the corner, far away from the door, waved entuastically to her. it seemed he had looked for her. she breathed in, straightened her sweater before she went to him.

hyejin sat herself down beside him. she smiled shortly to him before she saw that he sat already ready with his books open. she was still very surprised that he had asked her to study with him at the study hall.

jungkook cleared his throat before he spoke. "you must wonder why i asked you here," he asked. hyejin was still, saying nothing, so jungkook could keep talking.

he looked down to his hands who he was rubbing to each other. "because i've heard you are like on the top in our year in english," he said and looked her. her eyebrows furrowed.
"so i was wondering if you could help me a little bit," he asked and smiled to hyejin

hyejin just looked at him silently, still with furrowed brows, looking uttely confused and shocked of his request. "so this was not another attempt to ask me out?" she asked him. he shook his head. "oh no, no! i just need your help," he said, looking a little bit taken aback by her misunderstanding.

one hour later hyejin was discussing english song lyrics. after helping him with some basic stuff, they now focused on the homework this week: analysing a english song' lyrics. he had chosen paper heart by tori kelly.

"so what do you think it is about?" she asked him. they had already read through it the song.

he seemed like he was thinking for a while. hyejin had already made an opinion on what the song was about just after she read.

"it is about love, i guess," jungkook said. he looked at her. hyejin smiled and nodded. jungkook was right, but hyejin was thinking it was more to it than that.

"i think so too...are there anything more?" she asked him. he looked at the paper, and shook his head.

"to start with something: the title of the song, 'paper hearts'. what do you think the meaning behind the title is?" hyejin asked him. jungkook looked at her again, he bited his upper lip.

"hearts of paper?" he asked. she laughed, before she stopped abrupt. "well you are right, but not quite?" she said, still with laughter in her voice. she tilted her head a bit.

that's when she started to explain what she believed the song was about, pointing at several words and sentences in the song. she believed that this song was about two lovers who was broken up but still very in love.

"oh," was the only thing jungkook said after she had told him . "this is what I think...but you know...it's only my theory, it is possible my theory isn't the right one-" she said before she got interrupted.

jungkook shook his head. "i agree. it's a beautiful theory and it makes sense," he said and nodded. she smiled, and a little bit red became to her cheeks.

it was a long silence between the two. hyejin bited her lip, what to do now? should she thank him for the compliment? was that even a compliment? she breathed in and tried to start the conversation between them again.

"why did you choose this song?" she asked and looked at him. jungkook turned to her. "well, it is one of my favourite songs. i love the singers voice and want to do a cover of it sometime. so i thought it would be-" he said before he got interrupted by hyejin. "wait, do you sing?" she asked, she was shocked.

he nodded. "a little bit, i'm not so good though. or my friends say though, but i don't think so," he said and blushed, before looking to his hands. "so you like music?" she asked him. "yup," he answered. "cool," she said and smiled, while nodding. jungkook looked at her. "you really think so?" he said, very happy.

hyejin went in all panic, she didn't want to give him the wrong idea. "how much is the clock?" she asked. jungkook looked at her weirdly before he pulled up his phone. "oh," he said seeming a little bit shocked of what he saw at the screen. "what is it?" hyejin said worried. "it's 5 o'clock," he said, showing the screen at his phone. "what?" she almost yelled. she was shocked of how much the clock was.

they both looked around them, seeing that completely no one was at the study hall now. they looked at each other and started to laugh of the situation. "sure the time goes fast when you are having fun," jungkook said. hyejin nodded and smiled. "yeah," she said. jungkook got on his feet "let's go, shall we?"

they split apart after walking a few blocks, as jungkook didn't live in the same neighbourhood as hyejin. when hyejin walked alone, she couldn't stop thinking of jungkook. it seemed like he was more than what it seemed after she had spent hours with him. hyejin was really happy that they shared a interest in music, it seemed like this was something jungkook and she could bond over.

her conscious came to the world when she heard her phones message sound play. she pulled up the phone from her pocket and looked at the screen. there was a message from a unknown number. 

when is our first piano lesson, hyejin-ah?



oh my freaking god, i'm so so sorry. the last time i posted a part for this story was in the beginning of september and now it is closing into the end of october, so I'M SO SO SORRY. i thought nobody read this thing. 

now it is has been a week since i also said i'm writing a part for you guys, and i'm sorry it took so long but i had school and i was tired, but here it is!!

btw. today october 21th it is 3 months to my 18th birthday, i'm 17 and 9 months now. yay ^^)

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