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hyejin turned around with the flick of an eye. at the piano chair she was at her knees facing him. she captured the flustered yoongi's jaw and pulled him down to kiss her lips. 

yoongi responded right away, he met her lips rough right away. but he couldn't manage to kiss her like this.

he first placed her hands so they wrapped around his neck, before his hands followed her little body down to her ass and her thighs and took a firm grip to lift her. it made her gasp, and yoongi chuckled of her shock, he hadn't expected that as he had before. 

he lifted her up and carried her to the dinner table. this without their lips getting separated. 

this was what hyejin wanted, even though if somebody asked her right now she wouldn't admit it. it felt like this was right, this was what she was supposed to do. 

his lips then left her lips and stared to kiss her down the jaw, and neck. he would sometimes stop to suck or lightly nibble her skin. she moaned and yoongi smiled of his accomplish. 

with yoongi hands lingering above her skirt line at her thighs, she tried to press her pelvis against him. she wanted to feel the same feeling from the dream she had. she wanted to feel the pressure..

yoongi grunted, and stepped back. "wow there, wild horse, what are you intending to do?" he asked. they both breathed heavy as they stared lustful at each other. she didn't want to answer as she grabbed a hold of his shirt to drag him to her.

it was only a sound that made her stop: the ringtone of a phone. hyejin released the grip she had at yoongi's shirt, leaving him awkwardly standing between her thighs. she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

"hey mom,"

she looked away from yoongi's eyes that looked at her's. she felt embarrassed like she had been caught doing a bad thing.

"grandmother is here," her mom said at the other part of the line. "oh, she is?" hyejin answered, she felt more embarrassed. grandmother, omg. she bited her lip.

"are you coming home soon?"

with the embarrassment she already had, an emotion that was added was disappointment of not being longer here. for not extinguish the whole curiousness and pleasure she felt by this.

"yeah, i'm on my way," hyejin responded, she tried to have a look at yoongi who now looked angry at her. "good, i'll see you then, bye," with that her mom ended the call.

she looked innocently at yoongi and jumped down at floor. she tried to sneak away before she felt yoongi's hand grabbing her hand. he turned her around and pulled her into him. 

"where are you thinking you are heading?" 

she looked up at him, before she looked down at his chest, having no room to look elsewhere, as he held around her tightly around her waist.  "i'm going home," she said, weirdly enough she was kind of ashamed and felt bad for leaving him. 

"not finishing what you started?" he asked, there was a supposedly seducing tone in his voice. she looked up at him and blushed, she was flustered of his question.


yoongi started laughing. "i'm just kidding with you, baby," he said while he smiled. "i'm letting you go," he started before he went closer her face with his. he became all serious. "for now..." he whispered, before he smiled again. 

he let her go, only holding one hand of her's giving it a quick peck. 

she walked slowly away towards the hallway. she could feel his stare at her back. she suddenly started to smile, because she knew she would meet him next week and that they maybe would finish what they started.



whah this was so hard to write, that's the reason to the long time (i'm sorry, i must have left you in quite a cliff hang)  as i have said many times before: i'm like so innocent and everything. i have never made out with anyone :(( and it's hard to write something i've never experienced. 

like the closest recent encounter i had with a boy was with my psychiatrist when he asked me about how i felt for the day....like that's how it is. so yeh


and btw yoongi has birthday today (or tomorrow for me, but now in korea) and omg he is 24 now (or 25 in korea??) OUR MINSUGARAPCHEONJAEJJANGJJANGMANBOONGBOONG (haha i have watched that line too many times today)

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