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people who passed through the small passage between the two buildings in seoul thought it was weird that a girl in school uniform walked back and forth from the two buildings. but they didn't stop and asked her what she was doing. 

hyejin was 10 minutes late for her piano lesson. she had been lucky not to meet yoongi the past days, but she had to meet him now.

fuck it, why couldn't she do it like she did with jungkook, just run from him? she had done that the past days at school, it was the only way she wouldn't have to talk to him. 

but yoongi hadn't done anything wrong. it was herself that did something wrong in this case and she had to take responsibility for this.

she took a round again, walking to her apartment building, reaching it and then turn around. she was supposed to walk back to yoongi's building when she saw him leaning to the door of his building.

she looked surprised at him with her flustered cheeks as she stopped quickly in her motions. it was almost before she walkd back to her building. 

"when are you coming to the lesson?" yoongi chuckled after his question and smiled to her. hyejin looked at him, she didn't say anything. 

"it's cold outside, so let's go," he said and shook his head lightly while placing his hands on each of his arms and stroke his upper arm to make warmth. 

he turned around and went into the building, and started walking up the stairs. hyejin found herself with nothing to do then to follow him. 

had he forgotten about the kiss?  he was so natural, like nothing had happened between them. the teenager in hyejin had to be the reason why she was like this and he was not. 

soon enough they were in his apartment, and she felt the flashbacks from her dream coming. she shook her head and shivers were starting to come down her spine. 

yoongi looked weirdly at her. "you okay?" she nodded, before they headed to the living room. she sat down with the piano while yoongi stood just out on the floor

she looked at yoongi who looked at her. "i need to get some water," he said, he pointed to the direction of the kitchen before he headed towards it. 

hyejin took the minute to calm herself down. she couldn't be like. this was normal. nothing was going to happen, nothing was going to happen, nothing was going to happen...oh my god how she wanted something to happened!

she suddenly felt two hands on her shoulders. she gasped loudly. "you need to calm down, hyejin-ah," yoongi said. but it made only hyejin to push up her shoulders of his touch. 

"oh fuck this," 

it didn't took long before a hand was replaced with some lips.

hyejin gasped, but it was from satisfying this time. his lips were cold of the water he had just been drinking, and he kept moving his lips from her neck to the side of her throat. she threw her head back and a whisper escaped her lips.

"k-keep going yoongi.."


i cried of that last part of this part, bc i could literally feel what was happening to hyejin i'm not kidding, it was real af

but i'm lowkey an real author as i'm sitting here drinking some fancy wine while writing parts heh, so i may have been a little tipsy while writing, so if there are any typos i'm sorry

and you guys keep surprising me as WE ARE UP IN SOON 20 000 READS HOLY JIN AND OVER 1300 VOTES HOLY DOUBLE JIN ILYSM <33333333333

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