Counting the sneezes

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Wills pov (let's play a game called how many times can it be wills point of view)

4 days
17 hours
51 minutes
29 seconds

I've been counting the seconds since the accident happened and have been at the hospital every minute I wasn't at school or asleep at home to be with Hazel and honestly, I wanted to be with Nico when he woke up.
It was Sunday afternoon and I was eating something gross from the cafeteria. Hazel tries to get me to go to McDonald's with her but I declined. A couple days ago, to keep busy I would visit my dad but he got out the day after Nico was hurt so now I volunteered around. Most nurses knew me well and got me to do stuff like sometimes I entertain sick kids or bring food to people who are on bed rest.

Right now I was on break and had two long hours to do nothing. The nurses tried coaxing me to go over to a friends but I stayed put and left.
I tried finishing the food but I got grossed out and stopped. No one was around and it was eerily silent. But then there was a sneeze. Coming from the room I have been wanting to go in but I wasn't allowed. And there were no doctors in it so I made sure the coast was clear and opened door 286.

Nico's eyes were open and not looking at me as the door closed silently. He looked like a lost puppy, innocent and confused.
I gasped and before Nico could make sense of what was going on I jumped on him and pulled him into a hug.

"Who the fu-" he stopped himself as I pulled away so he could see his attacker,
"Oh, Will," he finished glaring though I think I saw a tint of blush on his cheeks,
"What are you doing here- wait no, what am I doing here?" He asked gesturing at the tubes and wires attached to him as well as his right leg being it a cast from his ankle to upper thigh that was suspended in the air.

"You- you don't remember?" I asked, shocked. I knew of people who didn't remember of what happened to them after nearly dying.

"Um," he started and then his eyes widened to the the size of plates, "Oh my god, my bike!" He exclaimed seeming weirdly worried about his bike and not his personal state.

"Uh, don't worry, after staying the night when you got hurt I remembered we left it on the side of the road so since my mom had already gotten the car, I walked there and drove it back to my place, it's in my garage," I added, not knowing how he liked to keep it stored.

"You know how to drive a motorcycle?" He asked uncertainty, raising an eyebrow

"Yes for a matter of fact," I replied. He tried moving out of the blankets that covered him but winced. I quickly leaped off the bed and moved the covers so he could see the rest of himself.

"W-what happened to me?" His voice shook and I realized I should take in the vulnerability because it wouldn't last long and I would probably never see it again.

"Um, from what the doctors said, your right leg is broken, right arm is fractured, you have a concussion and you have multiple broken ribs on your right side. By the the way, you landed on your right side," I added even though it was pretty obvious

"No shit Sherlock. And that explains why it hurts to move, and my head is pounding," he replied, angry again. I, not being a normal human being, reached to touch his forehead. At first he was to shocked to move but recovered quickly and smacked my hand away with his left hand. I stood up as if if nothing had happened even though I was dying inside, and walked towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked and I smiled slightly, he didn't want me to go.

"I'm going to get a doctor, you've been in a coma for 4 days," I said and he looked surprised

"Hazel?" He seemed sad she wasn't here

"She hasn't left except for school and to sleep like me, she just went out for lunch," I said and left the room calmly.
Then I rushed to the desk.

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