Your eyes are my aesthetic

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Wills pov

Nico and I were sitting in my new room with Cecil and Lou Ellen watching a movie.
Lou was playing Cecil's hair at one point, but ended up putting it in a very small braid, and now was after Nico, who wasn't liking the idea.

"Get away from me girl!" He yelled as she tried grabbing for his hair yet again.

"Please Nico? Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee!"
She whined as he held her back with his foot.

"I don't like to be touched!"

"I bet. I see that Will never touches you," she snarled sarcastically and I blushed from end of the bed where I was watching.

"Fine well I don't like my hair being touched,"

"As if Will doesn't run his fingers through your hair as you-"

"Ok ok stop!" Nico cut her off quickly, "I don't like when other people touch me, Will, is an exception," he added looking at me who was blushing again.

"But nicooooo, I'm Wills best friend! Pleaseeeee!"




Nico ended up giving in.
With an annoyed look on his face, Lou Ellen braided his hair. His hair was growing pretty long so his was longer than Cecil's, but not that long.
He squirmed whenever Lou Ellen touched his neck by mistake, which she noticed, so she started doing on purpose.

Once his hair was finished, after Lou re did it 5 times, I have to say, he looked really good.
He ended up coming up beside me at the edge of the bed and laid shoulder to shoulder as Lou and Cecil sat together at the head of my bed.

When the movie finished, Lou and Cecil left together but Nico stayed, because he was to lazy to leave.

"Well my house is just so far, and what if I get lost?" His excuse was

"You live like to roads away!" I exclaimed and he laughed

"I'm extremely tired and I have a bad sense of direction," he tried again so I gave in.

"Fine, you can stay, but I'm waking you up early because I have volley ball,"

"Ugh oh ya, I forgot about those since you stopped driving me," He replied and got under my blankets and pulled them up to his shoulders. I chuckled as he closed his eyes and sighed I'm content.
He opened one eye accusingly,

"Are you laughing at me?" He questioned and I shook my head and tried to cover up my smile,

"No, I'm uh, laughing at myself... My um, stomach made a weird noise," I tried to lie and he glared at me, unconvinced, and closed his eyes again.
(This was my excuse when I laughed at my sister at Christmas and my whole family was staring at me like I commit a crime)

"I don't believe you but ok," he said as he turned over and I smiled fondly at my amazing boyfriend. How did I ever get him? What did I do to deserve him? Obviously I was extremely lucky.
I got changed, brushed my teeth and my hair before coming back into the room and climbing beside Nico and closing my eyes.
No more than 20 minutes later, Nico must have gotten cold. He wrapped the blankets that were already on him around him and then started to pull mine off as well.

"Nico," I groaned and tried to pull the covers back but was, sadly, unsuccessful.
I tapped him but I got no response so I cuddled up to him and pulled the tiny corner of covers over me.
Thanks Nico, I had a great sleep.

The next morning I woke up early, got dressed and when I went into Nico's part of my dresser that had spare clothes, I saw it was empty.

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