49; M&M's, dancing, and feelings

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oKAY hi hi hello, this is just a disclaimer about this chapter. So I know next to nothing about Muslim culture and Pakistani's and all that so I'm seriously so sorry if I offend anyone by being stereotypical or rude or actually talking about a whole other culture. I skipped the actual wedding ceremony bc I wasn't confident enough to write about it. It's not my intention to offend anyone so I'm really sorry if I get things wrong, but I tried haha. I didn't want to be totally naive and do this white wedding bc I'm aware they are completely different. I did do research and my friend helped me but I know I'll still get stuff wrong. But this is supposed to be a casual wedding anyway and not extremely traditional so entirely fictional. BUT TBH GUYS THAT'S NOT THE MAIN FOCUS HERE LOLZ??? This chapter has a lot of super important stuff and the muslim stuff isn't really one of them. Sorry again. Oh also, you may want to make sure you are somewhere private where no one can hear you scream whilst reading the end of this chapter ...




I stand outside in the afternoon air as the others all continue to get ready, a cigarette in my left hand and my right hand shoved into the pocket of my black pants. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn briefly to see Violet shuffling towards me, a small smile on her face.

I quickly advert my eyes, because I honestly can't bring myself to look at her. She looks absolutely incredible. Her hair is so lovely, so long and fresh, and every facial feature of hers is just enhanced with the make up. I've never been so captivated by a set of eyes before. It's amazing, really, how I feel about Violet now after seeing her so ... well, looking like a girl. Like a girl I'm used to, like a girl I'm attracted to. I try to ignore everything, but it's proving to be quite the mission.

Violet stands beside me silently and I immediately move to stub out my cigarette, knowing how she feels about the things. But before I can, she shakes her head. "No, leave it. It's fine," she tells me.

I glance at her before giving a small shrug and taking another drag. I make sure to hold it far away from her, though. "Everyone still busy?" I ask, using my head to point behind my shoulder.

"Yeah," Violet says. She stays looking ahead. There isn't much of a view from our house, just the street across the road with the grassy and covered in weeds land that's been 'for sale' since I was a kid. The sky's a pale blue, clouds everywhere. "It's nice here," she says after a while. "Peaceful."

For a minute or two we just stand there, side by side, in our wedding outfits, me in a casual stance with my cigarette slowly burning down and her with her feet apart and hands in front of her, clasped tightly. Then, as if someone's flicked a switch and therefore signalled Violet to come back into reality, she turns to me. "We should go."

I chuck away my cigarette and turn to her, shoving my other hand in my pocket. "We'll go in my car," I tell her. "The others can meet us there."

Safaa comes running out through the door. "Zayn, can I come with you and Violet?"

"Sure, Saf. Let's-"

"Safaa! Put your shoes on!" Mum yells.

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