60; Bruce Willis, Peter Pan, and debates

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“Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! He just missed that shot! Oh, man, it was right there. Unbelievable.”

I sit up and sigh, turning my gaze away from the football on screen to face Liam. “Do you mind if we watch something else?” There’s really only so much soccer I can take.

Liam shifts beside me on the bed, the small TV he brought for his room sitting on the edge. “Oh. Sure, babe.”

I pick up the remote and start skimming through the channels, finding something decent to watch. It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon and Liam and I have been relaxing the whole day with each other. It’s nice to be able to spend proper time with him. I find I’ve really missed it. I come to the movie channels and stop on the ‘Old Classics’ as I realise what’s playing.

“What’s this?” Liam asks.

I smile. “Top Gun.”

My eyes follow the characters in the aircraft's on screen, laughing as Maverick and Goose banter back and forth. Before I can settle down and begin watching, Liam makes a sound of disgust.

“I hate these old movies,” he says. “Look at the quality! The camera’s basically shaking. And everything’s so fuzzy, you can barely see.”

I just look at him, a little shocked. “That’s … that’s not really the point,” I tell him. “It’s the stories, the acting, the costumes.”

Liam just shrugs. “There’s gotta be something better on.” Then, just like that, he changes the channel. The old setting transforms into a high definition action scene with explosions so real you almost feel the heat. But that’s all the movie seems to have going for it. “Oh, yeah! A Bruce Willis movie. Now those are good movies.”

There’s nothing I can really say, so I just sit back and pretend to enjoy the movie as much as Liam is.


“What do you think of this?” Liam hands me his essay the next day in English. “Does it make sense?”

I quickly scan the first few paragraphs and smile, giving him a thumbs up before handing the essay back. “It’s great, perfect.” I hand him mine. “Now, you do me.”

He reads my own before looking back at me. “First line needs more of a statement. I say change it so it’s not a question.”

“You’re right. That’s perfect!” I lean forward and we give each other a quick peck on the lips before I return my focus to my essay and scribble out the first sentence.

I hear a pen drop onto the floor beside me and go to pick it up for the person that dropped it. “Oh! Here you go …” I swallow a little before offering a small smile to Zayn. “Uh, here.”

He just nods. “Thanks.” Then he goes back to his table.

When Worlds Collide - A Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now