Chapter 3: Artemis

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I pull the last piece of glass out of my arm, then bandage it. I quickly wash the blood off my hands, then pull the flash-drive out of my pocket.

"Now what makes you so important?" I ask.

I look around the small room hoping to spot a computer, or something I could use to search the drive. I curse under my breath.

"Should've grabbed a laptop on my way out." I say to myself. I set the flash-drive down, then walk over to a table and pick up a piece of metal. Thoughts fill my mind as I work on the piece of steel, thoughts of my home, of my family, and of my mission. Thinking of the task I was burdened with, I start to get angry. Angry with my sister for giving me a task to big to handle alone, and angry with myself for being eager to prove my value, and that I am skilled enough to finish this mission. I continue working on the metal until I hold a sleek arrowhead. I grab the shaft of an arrow and attach the head to it. I set the arrow down, then start working on the next, this one a barbed arrowhead. I carefully work on a few more, then after a quick polish, I put the gleaming arrows into my quiver. I grab my jacket from the other side of the table and examine the tear in one sleeve. I notice red staining on it and sigh. I crumple the jacket into a ball and toss it aside. I look down at my arm to check the bandage, then put another layer of gauze around it. I walk over to my makeshift bed, lay down, and pull the thin blanket over me. I lay my head on the pillow and stare up at the concrete ceiling above me, thinking about all the families going about their lives, just a few feet above me. The parents tucking their children into bed, or cuddling together and watching movies. I sigh and look around the bare, dank little cell of a room that I'm squatting in.

"How did everything go so wrong?" I ask myself before falling into a restless sleep.

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