Chapter 26: Oliver

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"How many are in there?" I ask.

"Uh. . . I count at least forty heat signatures, not counting you guys." Felicity says.

"Any word from Artemis?" I ask.

"She's probably at Iris's house with her and Wally." Barry says.

"There's movement inside." Felicity says.

I hear guns firing.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"I don't know, the camera went out. I'm guessing someone is engaging the enemy." Felicity says.

"So what's the plan now?" Diggle asks.

"We go in and get the boy." I say as I pull an arrow and fire. I slide on the line into the building and see a swarm of badguys in one spot.

"What's going on there?" Barry asks as he comes to my side.

"No idea. Let's find out." I say as I grab an arrow and fire it.

I jump down to the ground and fight my way to the center.

"Hey G.A glad you could make it." I look and see Artemis a few feet away.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I punch one of the ghosts.

"Fighting, obviously." She says.

"Three o'clock." We both say as we load our bows and fire in unison.

"How did you know to come here?" I ask. Artemis slams her bow into one of the ghosts.

"Took a page from your book. Placed a tracker on the kid without them knowing." She says.

"Are you still mad about that?"

Artemis kicks a gun away and fires an arrow.

"Ask me again when I'm not fighting for my life" She says.

"Fine. Coming to you." I say as I grab a ghost by the arm and swing him towards Artemis.

She kicks up, her foot connecting with his jaw.

"I have eyes on the boy." Diggle says through the comms.

"Artemis, follow me." I say.

"Oh now you trust me?" She asks as she slams a ghosts head against her knee.

"Let's go." I say.

We break through and run to Diggles position.

"How are we gonna get in?" Artemis asks, breathing heavy.

"No idea. The door is sealed shut. There's an air vent, but it's too small for any of us." Diggle says. Artemis looks at the ceiling.

"Is that the vent?" She asks pointing to a hole. Dig nods.

Artemis shrinks her bow and slides it into a pocket.

"Gimme a boost." She says.

"No, don't even think about it." I say.

"Fine. I'll do it myself" She says as she takes a few steps back, runs at the wall, jumps, plants a foot on the wall, twists and grabs the edge of the air vent.

"Artemis what are you doing?" I ask.

"I got us into this mess. I think I should get us out." She says as she punches the grate in, then pulls herself up.

"Overwatch, can you get eyes on Artemis?" I ask into the comm.

"Uh. . . I have eyes on you and Spartan, but I can't see Artemis." Felicity says.

I curse. I hear gunfire from the room. Then silence for several agonizing minutes.

"This is Artemis. I have the boy." I hear through the comm.

"Copy that. Green Arrow, Spartan, Flash, give Artemis cover." Felicity says.

"Why?" Barry asks.

"There's a bunch of ghosts gathering outside the room and the building. You'll need to clear a path for her to get him out." Felicity says.

"Not needed. I got this." Artemis says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I saw a way out while I was in the air vent, I have a plan." Artemis says.

"You could get you both killed." I say.

"G.A, trust me. Please." Artemis says. I'm quiet for a moment.


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