Chapter 14: Oliver

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"What is it John?" I ask. He crosses his arms and looks at me.

"What?" I ask. He smiles and starts laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"You care about that girl. Don't try to deny it Oliver." He says.

"I don't. No. Well yes I care about her, but only because she got hurt." I say.

"Oliver. . ." John says. I sigh. "She's an orphan John. Doesn't know her birthday, or how old she really is." I say.

"There's more." John says.

"I saw it, in her eyes John." I say.

"What?" He asks. "The same thing I see everytime I look in a mirror. The sadness, the lonelyness, the. . . the darkness." I say.

"So?" John asks.

"So, I want to help her. She is so young, and I don't want her to turn out the way I did. A torturer, a murder. If I can help Artemis in anyway I will." I say. I turn and look out the window.

"Oliver, what do you mean by that?" John asks. I take a deep breath.

"I think, I'm going to adopt her." I say.

"Oliver you hardly know this girl." John says.

"I know, but she's been through so much, all on her own. That does things to a person. It changes them, for better or worse." I say.

"Oliver. ." John starts.

"Everytime I look at her I see myself, the same pain I went through, but I also see the ability for her to become something better, someone better. And I want to help." I say. I turn and look at John, and see that he's smiling.

"You really care about her." He says.

"No, I just don't want her to go down that dark path." I say.

"Yeah, you care about her." He says.

"No! I don't. I just think she needs someone to guide her, and help her become a better person, and she'll be a great addition to the team." I say.

"Uh-huh." John says as he walks back into the room. I stand in the doorway and watch everyone laugh and smile.

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