Chapter 31: Artemis

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I look down at the pier from my place on a nearby roof.

"Artemis, what's going on?" Oliver asks.

"So far they're just talking. I don't see any sign of Darhk or his men." I say quietly.

"Uh Green Arrow, Artemis, there's a car pulling up." Felicity says.

"I have eyes on the car. It's heading your way Artemis." Oliver says.

"I see it." I see movement on a nearby rooftop.

"Artemis what was that?" Oliver asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Why'd you look at that roof?"

"I didn't." I lie.

I watch the doors of the car open.

"Artemis, let's move." Oliver says.

"Copy that." I jump down to the fire escape, pull my bow out and ready an arrow. "I'm in postion." I say quietly.

"On my mark." Oliver says.

I lift my bow.

"One," I pull the string back.

"Two," I take a deep breath.

"Now!" I release the arrow, it flies through the air and hits one of the guys in the shoulder.

As I jump down to the ground and shoot another arrow. I sneak a glance and see Oliver nearby. My eyes dart up at the roof and see someone standing there. I start mentally counting down minutes in my head. One of the thugs runs at me. I lean backwards, then swing my bow into the mans side.
I slam my fist into the thugs face. "That's the last one." I say.

"Good job Artemis. You stay here, I'm going to check the cargo." Oliver says.

I nod, putting my bow away then stretch my arms.

"Artemis, someone's heading your way." Felicity says.

"Copy that Overwatch." I say as I pull my bow out.

I turn and see someone running at me. I reach for my quiver.


I toss my bow aside and take a fighting stance.

"Artemis, Oliver is on his way." Felicity says.

"Better be fast." I say, grtting my teeth as I block a punch. I fight for a few minutes.

"Artemis!" I hear Oliver shout.

I jab my elbow into my attackers side, then drop them onto my knee.

Oliver runs over. "Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod, breathless. "I'm fine, let's go." I say as I turn and walk away.

Oliver walks ahead of me.

I hear something behind me, loose gravel shifting, and I turn around.

The person who attacked me raises a gun and fires. I press my hand to my stomach.

"Artemis!" Oliver shouts.

I feel my knees buckle and I fall down. Oliver rushes to my side.

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