Chapter 20: Oliver

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"No. The balloons go in the corner!" Thea says.

I watch as John moves the balloons.

"Okay, last minute fixing done." He says.

Felicity walks over.

"How's Artemis?" I ask her.

"She's getting ready, Thea just needs to do her hair and makeup." She says as she fixes my tie.

I hear something shatter upstairs.

"Artemis, everything okay up there?" I shout.

"Peachy!" She yells back.

"She's nervous. She's never had a party before." Felicity says.

"And you know this. . .?" I ask.

"We talked." She says.

Something else breaks upstairs.

"You better not be shooting arrows up there!" I yell.

". . . I'm not. . ." She shouts. "Anymore." I hear her say softer.

"Hey, you ready for me to do your hair?" Thea asks. There's a pause.

"Sure!" Artemis shouts down the stairs.

I watch Thea walk up the stairs, and disappear around the corner.

"I still can't believe you managed to rent this place for the party." I say to Felicity as I look around my old home.

"Well being CEO of Palmer Tech, and having enough money, it wasn't that hard to rent the Queen's former mansion." She says.

I suddenly remember something.

I run up the stairs to the room Artemis is getting ready in and knock on the door.

"Go away Ollie!" Laurel shouts

"I just need to borrow Thea for a minute." I say.

The door opens a little and Thea slides out, then she shuts the door.

"What?" She asks. I grab her arm and pull her a few feet away.

"What?" She asks again.

I reach into my coat pocket and pull out a flat square black box.

"Is that what I think it is?" She asks. I hand it to her.


Thea looks at the box, then at me, then back at the box, then back at me.

"You know what to do." I say as I head back downstairs

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