Chapter 6: Oliver

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"Really? Cause I heard a nasty rumor that one of the SCPD captains was working closely with Damian Darhk, who has also been destroying this city." I see the smirk on the girl, Clare Mason's face, and am reminded of the young archer from the night before. I close my eyes for a minute as the girl's words sink in.

"No more questions." I say as I walk away. Felicity walks over to me.

"Find out everything you can on Clare Mason." I say quietly.

"What? Why?" She asks.

"She might be the mystery archer from last night." I say.

"On it." Felicity says as she starts typing on her tablet. I scan the crowd till I spot the girl. I walk over to her and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Clare Mason was it? May I speak with you?" I ask. She nods. I lead her over to the side, away from the cameras and microphones.

"Those were some interesting questions Miss. Mason." I say.

"Thank you Mr. Queen." She says.

"Please, call me Oliver." I say.

"Yeah, not gonna happen Mr. Queen." She says.

"Those were some interesting ideas you had about enforcing education." She says. I look at my watch.

"Speaking of education, shouldn't you be in school?" I ask.

"I'm the president of the young politicians club at Star City High, the princpal gave me a free period to come to your press confrence so I could ask a few questions." She says. I nod.

"I recorded the whole speech on my phone to show my friends when I get back." She says. I smile.

"So you are interested in politics?" I ask. She nods.

"I'm amazed that someone who dropped out of school as many times as you is running for mayor, and enforcing going to school." She says as she crosses her arms. Her jacket sleeve pushes up her arm and I see a bandage, red with blood. I grab her arm and push her sleeve up, exposing the bandage

"What happened?" I ask pointing at the bandage. "Oh um. . . I. . . um. . . I get bullied at school." She stammers.

"I totally understand that." I say.

"Oliver! I have something you might want to look at!" Felicity says as she runs over.

"Oh my! Are you okay? What happened?" Felicity asks as she grabs Clares arm.

"Oh um, my father drinks a lot and sometimes h does stupid things, I accidently cut myself on a broken bottle helping him get off the floor last night." Clare says. I raise my eyebrows.

"You poor thing." Felicity says. Clare pulls her sleeve down.

"Thank you for the talk Mr. Queen." She says quickly, we shake hands and I give her a pat on the shoulder before she walks away. I try to follow her, but get swarmed with reporters. I scan the crowd for the girl, but don't spot her. Felicity tugs on my sleeve and pulls me back.

"That bandage was in the same place that the archer was cut." I say.

"I looked for this 'Clare Mason'. Guess what I found." Felicity says. I shrug.

"Nothing. She doesn't exsist." She says.

"Good thing I slipped a tracker on her." I say as I pull my phone out.

"Why?" Felicity asks.

"When I saw the bandage and asked about it, she said she was bullied, when you asked she made up that story about her drunk father. So when we shook hands and I patted her on the shoulder, I placed a tracker on her jacket." I say. I point to a moving dot on my phone screen.

"There she is." I say. "Call the team. Tell them to be ready. We move out at nightfall." I say before I smile and walk over to the reporters.

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