Chapter 28: Oliver

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Sara sits across from me.

"What are you doing back here in Star City?' I ask.

"It's complicated." Sara says.

I glance around the table.

"Can you all give us a few minutes?" I ask.

Everyone stands up, except Artemis.

"Artemis," I start.

"She can stay." Sara interrupts.

"Fine. But get your feet off the table." I say.

Artemis pulls her legs off the table, and slouches in her seat.

"So why are you here?" I ask again.

"I came to warn you." She says.


"A war." Sara says.

Artemis slouches even more.

"Go upstairs." I tell her.

With a nod, Artemis gets up and walks away.

"You seem fond of her." Sara says.

"She's special." I say.

"I don't doubt it. Probably why you adopted her."

I look at her.

"I read. Its all over the news." She says with a shrug.

I shake my head. "What's this about a war?"

"Nyssa wanted to be here to tell you, but that was thought to be too dangerous." Sara says, suddenly serious.

"Nyssa's here?" I ask.

Sara nods. "I'm sure you've heard about the Leagues. The leaders are meeting to see if peace can be made."
I lean forward. "I think its a trap. Nyssa's sister is evil, she will slaughter Nyssa and everyone who stands in the way." She says.

"What can I do?" I ask.

"I don't know, we've been trying to find where Nyssas sister is hiding, but we haven't had luck. We got close, then came a problem." Sara says.

"What kind of a problem?"

Sara looks around before speaking. "I know he's not on the island anymore, we've been tracking him. He's getting close. Nyssa thinks we can use him to find her sister."

I remember Merlin telling me about the affair Nyssa's sister had. "Nyssa's sister had a thing with Slade Wilson?"

Sara nods. "She kept it from her father till the child was born, then Ra's took the baby and kicked Nyssa sister out of the League."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"So you can be prepared Ollie. The next time I'm here, I'll be with Nyssa and her followers asking for your help." Sara says as she stands up.

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