Chapter 27: Artemis

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"Go." Oliver says.

I smile.

"Okay, I'm going to boost you up into the airvent." I say to William, who is sitting on the ground.

He shakes his head.

"It's okay, you can trust me." I say. William shakes his head again.

I bend down so I'm eye level with him and pull my mask down.

"William, my name is Artemis, I was sent by Green Arrow to watch you, now I'm here to rescue you. If you trust me, I will get you out of here, then Green Arrow and Flash will help get you back to your mom. Nod if you understand." I say. William nods his head.

I grab his hands and pull him to his feet.

"You ready?"

William nods again.

I cup my hands, William puts his foot on my hands, and I push him up into the vent.

I wait for a moment then jump, grab the edge and pull myself up.

"Okay, follow me." I whisper as I turn and start crawling through the vent.

I peer out the grate, kick the grate out, then swing myself down to the ground.

"Come on."

William pulls himself out of the vent, I catch him before he hits the ground.

Pulling my mask up, the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

I push William down and bend down.

A sword slices through the air above me, passing so close I glimpse my reflection.

I grab the attackers arm, pull it around, and slam my fist into their wrist. The sword clangs onto the ground.

I swing my leg and hit the person in the chest.

I grab Williams arm and start running.

"Artemis to Flash, requesting pickup." I say.

"On my way."

There's a flash and Barry's beside me.

"Whoa." William says.

"Flash, take him and get him out of here." I say.

"Take him where?" Barry asks.

"The police station. I sent Speedy and Black Canary there." Felicity says through the comms.

"Copy that Overwatch." Barry says.

"Hi William, you ready to see your mom?" He asks. William nods.

"Okay, I'm going to pick you up and I want you to close your eyes. Don't open them till I say so. Okay?" Barry says.

"Okay." William says softly.

Barry picks William up, and in a second they're gone.

There's a noise and Oliver's suddenly by my side.

"Where's William?" He asks.

"Flash took him."

"Okay, at least he's safe." Ollie says.

I remove my mask, wipe sweat off my face, then put my mask back in place.

"Artemis," Oliver says. I look at him.


"Nothing." He says with a shake of his head. I cross my arms.

"Let's go meet up with the others." I say.

"Artemis wait." Oliver says. I stop.

"Look at me. Please." He says.

I turn and face him.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask.

"For not trusting you. And for what I said earlier. I'm glad you're okay." Oliver says. I cross my arms again.

"We good?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Buy me a pizza and we are." I say. Oliver laughs.

"Now let's go join the others." I say.

"Yeah let's go." Olliver says as he pats me on the shoulder.

"Oliver," A voice says from behind us.

In a second my bow is in my hands and loaded.

A woman steps forward.

"Sara?" Oliver says. My eyes widen.

"We need to talk." Sara Lance says.

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