Chapter 36

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I sit beside Felicity and Thea, and look across the table at Sarah, and Nyssa.
Two masked individuals stand behind Nyssa.

"Do those two want to sit?" Laurel asks.

"They are my bodyguards. They must be ready for anything." Nyssa says.

"Do they have names?" Thea asks. I look at her.

"They do. This is Shadow," Nyssa says as she points to who of the bodyguards. "And this is Malak Alshaytan." She says as she gestures to the other. I study the two bodyguards.

"Malak Alshaytan?" Thea says.

"It was the name my father gave her when she fully joined the League. She is the best archer to ever be in the League." Nyssa explains.

"And Shadow?" Laurel asks.

"Her father picked the name." Sara says.

"Is it your real name?" Thea asks.

Shadow looks at Nyssa, who nods. "Jade." Shadow says with a hint of a familiar accent.

I raise an eyebrow. "We have a rule that no masks can be worn in here when having a meeting. I like to be able to see who I'm talking to."

Shadow and Malak Alshaytan look at Nyssa.

"Oliver, my bodyguards wear their masks out of respect. I know you don't understand our customs, but I must deny your request." Nyssa says.

"Alright. Now tell me what you know about Artemis' killer." I say.

"That can wait. I'm sure Sara has brought you all up to speed?" Nyssa asks.

"Just me."

"Very well, I'll try to explain quickly. My eldest sister, the orginial heir to the League of Assassins has returned to claim Nanda Parbot," Nyssa starts.

"Why did she leave?" Laurel asks.

"She had a. . . thing for a man our father did not approve of, and had a child because of that." Nyssa says. Shadow shifts uncomfortably.

"When my sister found out what I had done to the League she got mad, declared war on me. She left with half the members to reform the League of Assassins. We have agreed to a neutral zone to see if we can make peace, but I'm afraid it is a trap." Nyssa says.

"So what do you want with us?" Diggle asks.

"I've come to plead for your aid. Should this talk with my sister be a trap, I fear I won't make it out of there." Nyssa says.

"You want us as backup?" Thea asks.

I lean back into my chair. "If we help you, you'll tell me about who killed Artemis?"

Nyssa nods.

"Then we have a deal. If you need a place to stay until this meeting, you can stay down here." I say as I stand up.

"Thank you Oliver." Nyssa says.

"Don't thank me just yet. Can everyone leave for a minute?" I say.

My friends get up, Nyssa's bodyguards look at her, she nods her head and they walk away. I cross my arms and wait for everyone to leave.

"Is everything alright Oliver?" Nyssa asks.

"That's your sisters daughter, isn't?" I ask. Nyssa looks at me. "Shadow. She's your niece."

"She is. And as I'm certain you've guessed, she's also the daughter of Slade Wilson." Nyssa says.

"It was a little obvious. Her name is Jade, which reminds me of his name. And then her dad picked out the name 'Shadow' for her. Now if you're scared of her parents meeting, why did you bring her?" I ask.

"Her mother is unreasonable, but her father will do anything for her." Nyssa explains.

"So she's leverage." I say.

"That is one way to put it."

"And the other one?" I ask.

"I don't see the need to discuss my security." Nyssa says.

"What does her name mean?"

"Why is it important?" Nyssa asks.

"Answer my question." I say.

"Her name means 'angel of the demon' because that is what she is." Nyssa says.

"Angel of the demon?" I repeat.

"She is my younger sister, we used to say she was the only thing that could calm my fathers fury." Nyssa says.

I nod. "How many sisters do you have?"

"Just the two." Nyssa says.

Shadow walks over. "Nyssa, are you done talking?"

"Yes, I'll be right there." Nyssa says.

"I'll be back in the morning." I say as I head to the elevator.

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