Chapter 30: Oliver

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"Artemis." I say as I open the door to the apartment.

She looks up from her phone.

"First, who are you talking to?" I ask.


"We'll talk about that later, second we got information on that deal I was telling you about." I say.

Artemis stands up. "Cool. Tell me on the way to the Arrow Cave." She says as she grabs her jacket, her shirt moves up her back and I catch a glimpse of a tattoo on the small of her back. A black star tattoo. I think back to what Malcolm Merlyn had said about Artemis as I open the door and we both walk out.

"So do you like Wally?" I ask, trying to sound nonchalant.

"What? Why would you ask that?" She asks.

"Well you're always texting him, and I know you were hanging out when we were in Central City this past weekend."

Artemis' cheeks redden. "Okay, maybe a little."

I smile. "You're too young to date." I say.

"Ollie!" Artemis exclaims.

"Just saying." I say with a laugh.

My phone rings. I reach into my coat pocket, answering the call as I bring it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, where are you and Artemis?" Felicity asks.

"We're on our way." I say before Felicity hangs up.

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