Chapter 13: Artemis

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"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yes, I've been trying to reach your family for several hours now, would you like to tell me why they are not answering?" The doctor answers. I shrug.

"I did some research, and found out that you aren't from around here. Is that true?" The police chief asks. I nod. I watch as the police chief pulls out a folder and opens it.

"Artemis. Approximately sixteen years old. Spent most of her life bouncing around orphanges in Gotham, got transfered here to Star City Home for Girls. Sorry, Home for Wayward Girls. Charged with several accounts of pickpocketing, auto thefts, breaking and entering, Internet account hacking, identity theft, mugging, and two cases of minor assault." He reads. I bite my lip.

"There's more, but we'd be here all night." The police chief says as he closes the folder.

"So what? Gonna send me to jail? You can't. I got communty service for all of that and I've already served the hours. All the charges were dropped." I say.

"Yes, but the coincidence that the very bank you were in was robbed-" Oliver stands up.

"She saved peoples lives!" He says.

"She broke a mans arm, then got shot three times." The police chief says.

"The first time was because she pushed a ten year old boy out of the way. At the angle the bullet hit her, if she hadn't pushed the boy away, it would have gone straight through his head!" Oliver says.

"Granted her actions saved one life, but if the SCPD hadn't shown up her actions would have gotten everyoned in that bank shot." The police chief says.

"She's a hero." Oliver says.

"She's a felon, and guilty of multiple offenses!" The police chief yells.

"SHUT UP!" I yell.

"You. Get out." I say pointing to the doctor and the police chief. The doctor closes the door. Oliver sits back down and looks at me.

"Really?" He asks with a small laugh.

"What?" I ask. I see that he's reading the contents of the folder.

"All this stuff you've done, I've done too. And worse! Well minus the technical stuff." I sigh.

"Why didn't you say that you're an orphan?" Oliver asks after a few moments of silence.

"Why do you care?" I ask. Oliver stays quiet. I wait a few minutes.

"Being an orphan isn't something I like for people to know about." I say. Oliver nods.

"When's your birthday?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Sorry, it's just in the file it says 'approximately sixteen'." I sigh again.

"That's another thing I don't like telling people. I don't know when I was born. But most people guess it was fifteen or sixteen years ago." I say. There's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Oliver says. I stare at the strangers walking in.

"Artemis, these are my friends. This is John Diggle, Laurel Lance, my sister Thea, and my girlfriend Felicity Smoak. Everyone, this is Artemis." Oliver says. I wave.

"Hi Artemis." Laurel says as she sets a vase of flowers down.

"I don't know what type of flowers you like, so I just got an assorted bouquet." She says.

"It's the thought that counts. Thank you." I say.

"I brought you a laptop and some movies to watch incase you get bored." Felicity says as she sets the laptop down. Then she places a teddy bear on my bed, then leans down and gives me a hug.

"The teddy bear is from John." She whispers. I smile. Thea holds up a bag.

"I brought some junk food, sodas, a book, and a bunch of trashy teenage magazines." She says.

"Awesome." I say.

"Thea!" Oliver protests as I pull out one of the magazines. He quickly snatches it away from me, then takes the rest out of the bag and tosses them in the trash.

"Hey! I was reading that!" I say.

"Not any more." Oliver says.

"Oliver can I talk to you outside for a minute?" John asks. Oliver nods. Thea closes the door behind them, then grabs the magazines out of the trash.

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