Chapter 41: Oliver

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I stand with my back against the wall and watch Felicity tend to Artemis' injured shoulder and the still open sword wound. I listen as Artemis talks about random things to try and break the tension.

"Artemis," I say.

She looks at me. "Yeah Ollie." She says.

"Tell me everything about you. The real you."

Artemis rubs the bandage on her side. "Okay. What do you want to know?"

"Like I said, everything." I say as I pull a chair over and sit down.

"Fine but only between us. Everyone else out." Artemis says.

I nod in agreement, everyone walking to the elevator, except Felicity.

"I'm glad you're back." She says before giving Artemis a kiss on the top of her head and walking to the elevator.

I look at Artemis as she rubs her side again.

"Well uh where should I start?" She asks.

"The begining, preferably." I say.

"Um okay, my birth name is Artemisa, I'm the youngest daughter of Ra's ah Ghul, I'm a member of the League of Shadows." Artemis says.

"I know all that, tell me things I don't know." I interrupt.

"Okay. . . I used to dye my hair black so I could be more like Nyssa. I'm skilled in thirteen styles of combat, and can use basically any weapon that exists. Even though I was in the League of Assassins, I've never killed anyone." She says.

"Really?" I ask. "Why not?"

"Well um, I would have my target right there in front of me, and they would be crying and begging for mercy, and I would ask my partner to leave and set the target free." Artemis says.

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't want to be a killer. And the fear in their eyes, the knowledge that they were afraid of me, I couldn't do it and live peacefully." She says as she looks down.

"You haven't told anyone this have you?" I ask.

Artemis shakes her head.

"So while you were in a league of murders and people were taking lives, you were saving them. You were always a hero." I say.

Artemis looks up with a faint smile.

"Keep going."

"I'm not sure what else to say." She says.

"Anything." I say.

"Uh, my favorite color is silver, I like pizza a lot, oh the first time I ever had pizza was when you bought one the day I got out of the hospital," She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like pizza iz on the menu at Nanda Parbot." She says with a small laugh. I nod.

"Um I can't think of anything else." Artemis says.

"What did you do for fun when you were younger?" I ask.

"Oh! Well Jade and I used to go into the woods and hunt every Thursday, and we'd see who could get the most game within a set time, then we would bring what we caught to the kitchen and everyone would have a feast." Artemis says.

"That sounds. . . fun." I say.

"It was after we made it into a game, before it was a job we got assigned by my father." Artemis explains.

"Wait, so you didn't do that for fun?"

Artemis nods. I open my mouth to speak, but her phone rings.

She reaches over and grabs the device. "Hello?"

I watch her frown.

"Okay, I'm coming." She says before hanging up.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing." Artemis says as she stands up.

"Are you sure?"

Artemis grabs her quiver. "Yeah."

"Artemis, don't lie to me. Not again." I say.

Artemis sighs. "There's a building at the south end of the pier, if a person were to be on that roof, they would be able to see the entire pier. From that vantage point, a person could see several hiding places for other allies to be. And if said person was on that roof at six o'clock, they would see a secret meeting." She says as she grabs her bag.

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