Chapter 21: Artemis

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(Long chapter)

I readjust my dress.

"Sweetie you look fine." Laurel says. I sigh

"Easy for you to say, you look gorgeous." I say. Laurel looks down at her simple dark blue dress.

"Where as I look like a sausage stuffed into a tight, pink dress." I say as I look back to the mirror.

"First, you don't look like a sausage stuffed into a dress, second, you look amazing and so much more gorgeous than me." Laurel says as she fixes my hair.

Thea walks back in.

"Laurel, could you give us a few minutes?" She asks. Laurel nods.

"I'll see you downstairs." She says as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

"Have people already started arriving?" I ask. Thea nods as she pulls a chair over and sits in front of me so we are face to face.

She grabs a make up brush and does a quick touch up on my cheeks.

"What's with the box?" I ask.

Thea runs a hand over the dark velvety surface.

"This is a Queen family heirloom." She says.

"Okay, what's it for?" I ask.

"In our family, whenever a Queen girl is turning sixteen, it was tradition for her to wear this during her party." Thea says as she opens the box.

I gasp.

"Thea I can't. I'm not a Queen." I say.

Thea lifts the sparkling diamond necklace from the box, then stands up and walks behind me. She places the necklace around my neck.

"There. Now you are ready for this party." She says. I reach up to touch the necklace.

"Thea. . . I. . ." I stammer as I stand up. I give her a hug.

"Thank you." I say. She hugs me back.

"Now, let's go get our party on!" She says as there's a knock on the door, Felicity pokes her head in.

"Ready?" She asks. I nod.

"Good! Come on!" She says.

We all walk to the stairs, I stop at the top step and listen to Oliver.

"As you all know, I've been spendimg time with a young resident of Star City. When she was a baby, she was orphaned, moved around from orphanage to orphanage in Gotham. By pure fate she came here to our beloved city. I had the pleasure of meeting her after she landed in the hospital after showing bravery and courage in saving several dozen lives in a bank by stopping the robbers. Now after spending many weeks getting to know her over lunch and dinner with my friends and family, it is my honored privilage to introduce to you, Diana!"

There's clapping as I walk down the stairs.

A spotlight lands on me, blinding me for a minute. I blink my eyes, then walk towards the little stage.

"Today is her sixteenth birthday, and the first party she's ever had, so she's a little shy." Oliver says. There's some laughter.

"Diana, come on up." Oliver says. I shake my head.

"Don't be shy, come on." He says. I shake my head again.

Thea pushes me up onto the stage.

I squint as another spotlight shines in my eyes.

"Is there anything you would like to say?" Oliver's campaign manager Alex asks.

"No I didn't prepare a speech." I say.

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