Chapter 35

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"I'll be at the car if you need me." Felicity says. I nod and give her a small smile as she walks away.

I kneel down and place a hand on the headstone. "I still can't belive you're gone." I say quietly. I close my eyes.

"I really miss you Artemis." I hang my head down.

"Oliver," I turn my head and see Barry.

"Hey." I say as I quickly wipe my eyes and stand up.

"Still can't believe she's really gone?" Barry asks, gesturing to the grave.

I nod. "Yeah."

"I have no idea what I'm going to tell Wally." Barry says.

"Anything but the truth. I've seen enough people devestated by this news, I don't want to see that happen again." I say.

"How have you been?" Barry asks.

I shrug and shake my head. "I'm trying to figure out why, and who would kill her." I say.

"Have you found anything yet?"

"No. The bullet is untraceable." I say.

"I'm sorry Oliver." Barry says.

"Me too." I look at the headstone again, then turn and walk to the car.

I get in and see Felicity studying me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I ask.

"Because, you've hardly been sleeping, and eating, everyone is concerned about you." Felicity says.

"I'm fine."

Felicity takes my hand. "Are you sure?"

"No. I lost one of the most important people in my life. There's no trace of who killed her. So no I'm not okay." I snap.

"Oliver, we loved Artemis too," Felicity starts.

"Not like I did. She made me feel like a father, and I loved her like a daughter." I say.

"Oliver," Felicity says as she rubs my arm.

"Let's just head back." I say as I lean forward and tell the driver to start the car.


I ride down the elevator, then step out into the lair.

I loosen my tie, and look at Artemis' bow beside mine. I pick it up and turn it in my hands.

"No one blames you." I hear. I look around.

"They know you tried to help." I turn and freeze.

"They all know its not your fault." Artemis says.

"H-how are you here?" I ask.

"I'm not. You're probably imagining me out of grief. But who could blame you?" Artemis says as she sits on the table.

"What do you want?" I ask as I put her bow back.

"It's not what I want. I'm dead. It's what you want." Artemis says.

"What do you mean?"

Artemis laughs, then stands up and walks till she's in front of me. "I'm dead Ollie, and it is all your fault." She says.

"No, no it's not. Someone shot you." I say.

"But you left me alone, and I was tired and could barely hold my own. You could've helped me Ollie, I could still be alive if you were there." Artemis says.

"I couldn't have stopped them from pulling that gun!" I yell.

"Oliver, who are you talking to?" Someone asks.

I turn and see Sara standing a few feet away. "No one. What are you doing here?"

"Like I said, the next time you saw me, we'd be asking for help." Sarah says.

"We?" I repeat.

"Hello Oliver." Nyssa says as she steps out from the shadows. Two people follow behind her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"We, I, need your help." Nyssa says.

I cross my arms. "Why should I help you?"

"Because I can tell you who killed your beloved little sidekick." Nyssa says.

I think for a minute. "Let me call the others down here." I say as I grab my phone.

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