Chapter 18: Oliver

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"Artemis three o'clock!" I yell.

I watch as she whips around, raking her bow across the ghosts face, then kicking him in the chest sending him tumbling backwards. She pulls an arrow from her quiver and fires it. Ropes shoot out and wrap around the ghost, binding his arms and legs. She runs towards him.

"His tooth! Get it out before he -"

I watch as she lifts the mask off the man, then presses two fingers against his neck, then looks at me and shakes her head.

"Kills himself." I finish. Artemis's shoulders slump as she walks towards me.

"Sorry Green." She says.

"Hey it's not your fault. Everyone's first mission has its setbacks." I say.

"If I had been quicker! I could have fired a tranq arrow instead!" She says. I place a hand on her shoulder.

"Artemis it's okay. These ghosts are nearly impossible to catch." I say. She nods.

"Look what I got!" Roy says as he walks over with a ghost in cuffs.

"You still got it Arsenal." I say. Roy smiles.

"No rust on me." He says. "So Artemis, how'd your crash and snatch go?" Roy asks.

"Fine, until he killed himself." She says nodding towards the bound body.

"So you used a binding arrow? Why not use a tranq?" Roy asks.

"I thought I would have been fast enough to stop him." Artemis says.

"Looks like you weren't." Roy says.

"Stop it you two." Everyone says over the comms.

"Overwatch to Green Arrow, there's something moving towards you three, its moving fast." Felicity says.

"Understood." I say.

There's the unmistakeable sounds of a revving engine, followed by gunfire.

"Take cover!" I yell. Roy ducks behind a barrel, while I dive to the side behind a stack of boxes. I look up and see Artemis crouching down, her bow ready.

"Artemis get out of the way!" I yell.

"I've got this!" She yells back. I hear the engine revve again. I can see the bullets slamming into the ground, getting closer each second.

"Look out!" I yell. I see someone run and tackle Artemis to the side as a van shoots past, right where she had been. I get up from my position and see Artemis rubbing her head, while Roy rubs his shoulder.

"Artemis what were you thinking!?" I ask.

"I was thinking that that ghost got into the van, so I should a tracker on the van." She says.

"That was stupid and reckless, you could've gotten yourself hurt or worse!" I say.

"But I didn't!" She says.

"But you could have. For the time being you are staying by my side so I can keep an eye on you." I say.

"But-" Artemis starts.

"But nothing, if Roy wasn't here, you would've gotten run over or shot! So for now you are on probation. Understood?" I say. Artemis hangs her head.

"Understood." She says.

"Good." I say.

"Oliver. . ." She says.

"No." I say.

"But I wanted to. . ."

"No. What ever it is, no." I say.

"Fine. Here, you track the van." She says as she thrusts a small device into my hand. I look at the screen and see a blinking dot getting further and further away. Artemis crosses her arms.

"So we can stand here and continue this little arguement, or we can go and catch those ghosts. Your choice." She says. Roy smirks.

"Ya know what kid, you're growing on me. I think I might like you." He says.

"Well think twice." Artemis snaps.

"Ouch." John says as he rides over on my motorcycle. He gets off and I get on. Thea rolls up on the other bike.

"Arsenal you're with Speedy, Artemis you're with me." I say. She climbs onto the back of the bike.

"Lucky me." She mumbles as I kickstart the bike.

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