Chapter 39

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I slam my bow down, then put my head in my hands.

"You might as well come out. I know you're here." I say.

Artemis silently steps out if the shadows abd walks over.

"So you're a blonde? Another thing you lied to me about." I say.

"Oliver, I didn't want to leave." She says.

"But you did."

"To protect my family." She says.

"Until today I thought I was your family." I say.

"You are." Artemis says.

"No I'm a tool that you used. Nyssa told me why you came here. To find Merlyn."

"She knew if Talia went through with the war that we would need his help." Artemis explains.

"I know, she told me. She also told me that she sent Jade because you weren't doing your job." I say.

"I know Ollie, that she told you, and Nyssa told me that you were upset. So I can to apologize."

"No. Just leave." I say.

"But I brought you a pizza." Artemis says, trying for a smile.

I tilt my head and finally look at her. "Why did you bring a pizza?"

"Because, nothing says "I'm sorry" like a pizza. Everyone knows that." Artemis holds up a pizza box.

"And what's the real reason?" I ask.

Artemis sighs. "Because, the first thing you ever bought me was a pizza. It was also the first time anyone cared enough to buy me anything. So I got you a pizza from the same place as my way to apologize and say that I still care. About you - and the team."

I roll my eyes. "Give it to me." I say.

Artemis grins as she hands me the box.

"So tell me about the tattoo on your back." I say as I grab a slice of pizza.

"What tattoo on who's back? And who's this?" Felicity asks as she walks over.

"Thea didn't tell you?" I look at her as Artemis lowers her head.

"Tell me what?" Felicity asks.

Artemis turns around. "Hi Felicity." She says.

Felicity covers her mouth with her hands. "Artemis?" She says softly.

Artemis smiles sadly and nods. Felicity puts her arms around her.

"I'm so glad you aren't dead." She says.

"You aren't mad?" Artemis asks.

Felicity steps back and looks at Artemis. "How could I be mad when I'm so relieved? And I love what you've done with your hair." Felicity says.

Artemis reaches up, running a hand over her braided hair.

"Now, what's this about a tattoo?" Felicity asks.

Artemis sighs. "I have tattoos on my back. I got them when I joined the League." She explains simply.

"Show me." Felicity crosses her arms.

Artemis takes her jacket off, then pulls her shirt up her back. In the middle of her back is a tattoo of an arrowhead, then the black star. Several scars crisscross the surface of her back, ranging from small to large.

"What does the star mean?" I ask.

Artemis fixes her shirt, then puts her jacket back on. "It's a tattoo rarely given out." She says.


"It's given to someone who was born into the League, which rarely happens. There are only four people with it." Artemis says.

"Let me guess, you and Jade, Nyssa and Talia." I say.

Artemis nods then checks her watch. "It's getting late, I should probably go." She says.

"It's seven." Felicity says.

"I should still go." Artemis says.

"How about Oliver goes with you, you can grab a light dinner, and talk." Felicity says.

"Uh no I - I have work I need to finish." I say quickly.

Felicity shoves me forward. "Make up." She mouths.

"On second thought, it can wait another hour."

I grab my jacket and walk to the elevator. Artemis trails behind me.

"Take your time!" Felicity calls out.

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