Chapter 11: Artemis

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"Wake up." Oliver says. I blink my eyes open and lift my head of the cold cell floor. He tosses a paper bag through the bars.

"Eat up." He says. I cross my arms.

"Still not talking?" He asks as he sits down on a chair in front of my cell.

"Artemis, I'm trying to figure out how I can help you." He says.

"Maybe I don't want your help!" I snap. Oliver stands up and unlocks the cell.

"You're letting me go?" I ask. He nods.

"Here's your stuff." He says as he hands me a backpack. I pull a phone out of one of the side pockets.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"That phone has a direct connection to my phone. You can use it to call me if you ever need help." He says.

"Yeah, not gonna happen." I say as I toss it to him. Oliver leads me to the exits. I start to walk away.

"Artemis!" Oliver calls. I turn, and catch the phone.

"Just in case." He says. I nod and slide it into my jacket pocket.

"Be careful Artemis." Oliver says.

"I will." I say. I walk down the street, till my stomach starts growling. I check the backpack for some money.

"Nothing. Great." I think. I look around for the nearest bank. I open the door and walk over to one of the tellers.

"Hi. May I help you?" She asks. "Yeah I need to make a withdraw for some cash." I say.

"What account will you be using?" The teller asks.

"My. . . aunts." I say.

"What's her name?" The teller asks.

"Felicity Smoak." I answer.

"How much would you like?" The teller asks.

"Fifty will work." I say.

"Of course. Can you wait one second while I help the gentleman behind you?" The teller asks. I nod and walk over to a chair and sit down. I watch people enter and leave the bank. I watch as a man in a big coat holds the door open for a young couple.

"Miss. Smoak is it?" I look up.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Here is your cash." The teller says.

"Thanks." I say as I grab it and shove it into my pocket. I head for the door and hold it open for a mother with two young kids. I'm about to walk out when the man in the coat pulls a gun out and fires it up in the air. Four of the other men in the bank pull out automatics.

"Nobody move!" He yells. I turn to step outside, but a bullet slams into the wall by my head.

"I said nobody move." The man says. I close the door.

"You. Join the others." He says to me. I walk over and join the other half dozens hostages. One of the two young childen starts crying.

"Shut that child up." The man yells to the kids mother. The mother starts speaking softly to the crying child, but the kid starts wailing even more.

"I said shut that child up." The man says as he stomps over the kid, and grabs him by the arm. I stand up.

"Leave the kid alone." I say.

"Shut up and sit down." He says.

"I said, leave the kid alone. Or else." I say.

"Or else what?" The man asks, then starts laughing.

"Now sit down, or else." He says as he aims his gun at me. I clench my fists. One of the other thugs puts a hand on my arm, but I grab his wrist and push it up, while my other hand pushes his forearm down. I hear something snap and the man screams. He lets go of his gun so he can hold his now broken arm. I catch the gun before it falls, and slam the butt of it against his head. The man falls to the ground unconscience. I turn and aim the barrel at the man in charge.

"Drop the gun." He says as he puts his gun at a young boy. I move my finger off the trigger and set the gun down, then lift my hands above my head.

"Let the kid go. Let me bring him back over to his mom." I say.

"Fine. But keep your hands where I can see them." The man says as he releases the boy. I walk over to him and crouch down in front of him.

"Are you okay?" I ask. The boy nods, his whole body shaking. I walk the boy back to his mother who thanks me. I watch as two of the thugs bring a bag of cash out and hand it to the leader. He turns away from me and starts counting the cash. I glance around and see that none of the other thugs are around or paying any attention. I stand up, then sneak up behind the man in charge. I tap him on the shoulder, then when he turns around, I quickly disarm him and punch him in the face. The man staggers back, then learchs forward and drives his fist into my jaw. He goes for another punch, but I block it and kick him in the side. He quickly recovers. I go for another kick, but he catches my foot, causing me to loose balance. I stumble, then regain my balance. I look up and see the mans fist heading straight for a final blow to my head, I barely have time to move, but its enough. The mans knuckles connect with my arm instead of my skull. I stumble backwards, and almost fall, but someone stops me. I look at the young boy and smile. He starts to run back to his mother, but the man pulls a smaller gun from his jacket and aims for the boy, and fires twice.

"No!" I shout as I run and push the boy away. I feel shocks as the bullets slam into my body. I fall down and groan. I clutch my shoulder, which is now soaked in blood. The man towers over. I slip my hand into my jacket pocket, and feel around. I pull my hand out of my pocket and press a button. I faintly hear a voice say something.

"You shouldn't have tried to play hero girlie." The man says as he lowers his gun and fires twice.

"In case anyone else gets a bright idea of trying to stop me, just remember that little missy here jusy took two to the gut." The man says loudly.

"Artemis! Artemis can you hear me!?" I hear Oliver say. Then I realize that my ear is by the phone.

"He- he-help." I say quietly.

"Artemis I'm on my way. Don't move." Oliver says.

"Hu- hurry." I gasp. The man looks at me.

"Who are you talking too?" He asks. He sees the phone by me, grabs it and hangs up.

"Trying to call for help?" He asks. I struggle for breath.

"Who did you call? The police?" He asks.

"Who did you call!?" The man yells.

"Step away from the girl!" I hear someone shout. I slowly blink my eyes. I hear the familiar sound of an arrow being fired. I hear fighting. I open my eyes and see Oliver- the Green Arrow- kneeling down next to me.

"Artemis, its gonna be okay. I promise." He says, then he's gone. I struggle more and more to breath.

"SCPD!" A voice shouts. I hear some gun fire, and some fighting, then it stops.

"Captain, there's a girl over there bleeding out. She needs medical attention now." The Green Arrow says. I feel hands lift me off the floor and lay me on a stretcher.

"Can we get an I.D on her!" Someone shouts.

"Someone contact her family, let them know to come to the hospital." Some one else says. I watch as I'm rushed out of the bank. I look at people standing by, then I look up and see Oliver watching from the roof.

"Hang on sweetie." One of the nurses says.

"Hang on." I slowly close my eyes and drift into darkness.

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