Chapter 42: Artemis

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"Why did Nyssa agree to this?" Jade asks quietly. I shrug.

"This seems too thought out. It could be another trap. Maybe I should survey the area." Jade says as she clutches her sword hilts.

"No. Nyssa needs you by her side." I say as I glance around. I spot three shadows, hidden well. "Everything will be okay."

Jade looks at me. "Are you serious right now? You do know who we're meeting with don't you?" She asks.

I nod. "Trust me Jade, I know what I'm saying." I say.

Jade looks at me incredulously.

"Trust me." I mouth as I subtly point to the roof where Oliver is. She turns her head and looks. I see her eyes widen.

"Oliver?" She mouths.

"Back-up." I whisper.

Jade nods, but her hands tighten on her swords.

"Artemis? Can you hear me?" Oliver asks through the comms.

I flash a thumbs up to the roof.

"Good. I see a boat approaching." Oliver says.

Nyssa stops walking. I see the boat slow to a stop, and a large figure get off. I look at Jade and see the color drain from her face. The figure stops a few feet away, shadows concealing his face.

"Hello Nyssa. It's been awhile. Seventeen years to be exact." He says before he sees Jade, who looks at her feet. "Hello Jade."

"Hi. . . Dad." She says.

"Did she say dad? Artemis is that Slade?" Oliver asks.

"Well, for a welcoming party, you aren't very welcoming." Slade says.

"Spare us the small talk Wilson." Nyssa says.

"Straight to the point, just like when you told your father about Talia and myself." Slade says.

"Bitter much?" I whisper to Jade. She cracks a smile.

"So why have you asked to talk to me?" Slade asks.

Nyssa goes to speak.

"I was asking Jade." Slade says.

Jade pales even more. "My mother has declared war on us." She says, her voice strained.

"And you think I can talk to her?" Slade asks.

"Yes. And we've also came to ask if you would help us fight her." Jade says.

Slade laughs. "What makes you think I haven't already talked to her? What makes you think I would agree to help you? I could have agreed to help her, and this could be a trap." He says.

"If it is, then we're prepared to fight. You won't stand a chance." I say.

Slade looks at me with his single eye. "Bold words Artemisa. Bold words from someone who lies to everyone around her." He says.

I narrow my eyes.

"Tell me, has Oliver forgiven you?" Slade asks.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Of course you do. Why don't you ask him to come down from the roof and join us, it can be a full reunion." Slade says.

I tighten my grip on my bow and grit my teeth.

"Yes I know he's here, and guess who else is here?" Slade says. Another figure gets off the boat, gracefully walking towards us.

"Hello again Nyssa." Talia says.

"Artemis, what's going on down there?" Oliver asks.

I look at Jade and she looks at me. "This is a setup." I say.

"Well done Artemisa, you are so smart." Talia says.

Masked warriors flood the area, and in seconds Jade, Nyssa, and I are surrounded. Three more come over with Diggle, Thea, and Oliver, who looks like he was beaten.

"Ollie!" I say.

He grips his arm. "I'm okay." He says.

"Sister, why are you doing this?" Nyssa asks.

"To take back what belongs to me." Talia says. I look around and count how many enemies there are. I catch Nyssa's eye and shake my head.

"Talia, we're your flesh and blood, why would you do this to us?" I ask.

Talia smiles at me. "Why would you work with the man who killed our father?" She asks.

I frown. "What are you talking about? No one knows who killed Father." I say.

"Is that what Nyssa told you? Oh dear one, she lied." Talia says.

"What do you mean?"

"Artemis, don't listen to her." Nyssa says.

"What do you mean?" I ask again.

"I know who killed Ra's. In fact you know him too." Talia says.


"Artemis, you can't listen to her." Nyssa says.

"Be quiet. Artemis, darling, what would you do if you know who killed Ra's?" Talia asks.

"I . . . I would show them no mercy just like they didn't show Ra's mercy when they killed him." I say.
Talia smiles a cruel smile. "Wonderful." She says.

"Artemis, stop listening to her." Oliver says.

"Ollie, I need to know who killed him." I say.

Talia looks at me. "Would you like me to tell who killed Ra's, or have you already figured it out?" She asks.

I look at Jade who shakes her head. "Tell me." I say.

Talia smiles again, then points behind me. I turn and see Oliver.


"Artemis, I can explain." He says.

"Did you - did you kill my father?" I ask.

"Artemis, listen to me." Nyssa says.

"Silence! There's still more to tell her." Talia says.

I look at her. "What?"

"You've been lied to your whole life by Nyssa and Ra's." Talia says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"Artemis stop talking to her. Please." Jade says.

"Artemis, come with me and I'll tell you everything about who you really are." Talia says as she holds out a hand.

"If I do, will you let them go?" I ask.

"Yes. Of course."

"Artemis! Don't do this." Diggle says.

I walk forward and take Talia's hand.

"Let's go. There's nothing here for us." She says. The masked army leaves.

"Artemis, please." Oliver says.

I turn my back so I don't have to look at him.

"I'm sorry Oliver." I say before walking away with Talia and Slade.

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