Chapter 10: Oliver

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"You wanna tell me why there is a fifteen or sixteen year old girl locked up in our basement!?" John asks.

"Because the girl is dangerous." I say.

"She's a kid Oliver." John says.

"I know, but until I know if we can trust her, she'll stay there for everyones safety." I say as I turn and start walking away.

"Where are you going?" John asks.

"To see if she's ready to talk." I say.

"Hi Artemis." I say as I walk towards the cell.

"Oliver." She says.

"Brought you some food. Hope you like Big Belly Burger." I say as I hold up a to-go bag.

"Never heard of it." She says.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not giving it to you unless you answer some questions." I say. Artemis crosses her arms.

"What does this mercinary want with the drive?" Artemis shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay, how about you tell me how you got your bow to shrink down like this." I say as I hold up the little rectangle, no bigger than a cell phone. I press a button and the bow springs to full size, I press the button again and it shrinks back down. Artemis yawns. I open the to-go bag and pull a burger out and take a bite.

"I can do this all night Artemis. Just answer the questions and I'll let you go, or I could turn you over to the SCPD. I know a few officers are eager to ask you some questions." I say. Artemis sits down, and looks at me. "Alright. More food for me." I say.

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