Chapter 29: Artemis

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I sit on the floor cleaning and restringing my bow.

"Artemis." I turn my head and see Sara.

"How's Jade?"

"She's staying by Nyssa's side to protect her. I came to bring you information." She says.

"About what?" I ask, setting my bow aside

"Tomorrow is the day. We need you Artemis." Sara says.

I sigh. "I'll be ready."

"You know what's going to happen?"

I nod.

"You aren't scared are you?" Sara asks.

I shake my head.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow." Sara says.

"Until then. Tell Jade and Nyssa I say hi." I say.

Sara nods then walks away.

I grab the piece of paper that she dropped and stare down at it.

Pier five o'clock sharp. Be prepared.

I crumple the paper and shove it into my pocket sucking in a deep breath.

"Artemis, Oliver wants you." Thea says.

I nod then walk to the main room. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, we just got some intel." Oliver says.

I feint surprise and lean back against the wall.

"There might be a deal going on tomorrow at the pier. We think they're suppling Darhk with weapons. I need you on standby." Oliver says.

"No problem. I'll be ready."

"Great. Now head upstairs and shower, Felicity wants us to go out to get dinner." Ollie says.

"Okay." I say I push myself off the wall.

Oliver clears his throat. "Hey, you made me really proud tonight."

"All I did was save that kid. I don't see what the big deal is." I say.

Oliver looks around. "I'm not suppossed to tell anyone, but William is my son."

My eyes widen. "Okay, I'm going to pretend you didn't tell me that, and I'm going upstairs."

"Okay. Tell Felicity I'll be up soon."

I nod, trying not to think about the slip of paper in my pocket.

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