Chapter 32: Oliver

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"Oliver what's going on?" Felicity asks, the connection bursting with noise from the others shouting questions.

"Artemis is hurt. She been shot." I say.


I scoop Artemis up. "I'm taking her to get help." I say.

"Oliver you won't make it in time. I'm sending Diggle to meet you with the van." Felicity says.

"Okay."I look down at Artemis. "You're going to be fine." I say, watching her eyes flutter open and shut.
Diggle slams the brakes on and I jump out of the van.
I grab Artemis and race into the E.R. "I need help." I say.
A dozen doctors and nurses gather around me.

"What happened?" One doctor asks.

"She was shot, you have to help her."

Artemis is taken from my arms and layed on a gurnee. I watch as she's rushed away, then reach out and grab one of the doctors. "No one can know who she is. When you take her mask off, no one can know." I say.

The doctor nods. "No one will know, I promise."

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