Chapter 5: Artemis

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"And lastly, I promise to make Star City a better place for our youths to recive an education." Oliver Queen says as he finishes his speech. I roll my eyes. Cameras flash, and reporters ask him questions. I push my way to the front of the crowd.

"Mr. Queen I have a question." I say loudly. He turns and looks at me. L

"Yes of course. Whats your question Miss. . .?" He asks.

"Clare Mason." I say. He nods.

"What's your question Miss. Mason?" He asks. I smile.

"You said that you would make this city better place for the kids and teens to get an education, how do you plan on doing that?" I ask.

"Well when I become mayor, I'll make sure that everyone can attend school." He says. I cross my arms.

"And what about those who can't afford it?" I ask.

"I plan to set up a program for those families who can't afford to send their children to school, I'll be sending volunteers to meet with these kids and teach them either one on one or in a group." I nod.

"What about the vigilanties?" I ask. Oliver Queen laughs a little.

"I don't see what that has to do with education." He says.

"Really? You don't? I thought since you were so concerned about this city you would have known that last week the Green Arrow and his band of merry vigilantes destoryed half of Star City Highschool, thus shutting that half of the school down for a month to be repared. Meaning that the classrooms are packed with students waiting for the school to be fixed. Because of this twenty-five students have dropped out within the week." I say.

"Miss. Mason I assure you when I'm elected mayor I'll make sure that those drop outs get an education." Mr. Queen says.

"So what I'm hearing is you are more concerned with high school drop outs then vigilantes destroying your city? I'm sorry but if you want to be elected mayor I think you should be more concerned about the Green Arrow and his pals." I say. Mr. Queen clears his throat.

"Yes well the SCPD has that under control." He says.

"Really? Cause I heard a nasty rumor that one of the SCPD captains was working closely with Damian Darhk, who has also been destorying this city." I say. Mr. Queen closes his eyes and leans against the podium.

"No more questions." He say before pushing himself away from the podium and walking off the dais. I watch him talk to a blonde woman for a second, then she walks away typing on a tablet. I start to walk away, I wince when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Clare Mason was it? May I speak with you?" Oliver Queen asks.

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